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词汇 level
例句 The idea of equal education was to level up the general standard.平等教育的观念旨在提高普遍的水平。They stood next to each other so that their shoulders were level.他们紧挨着站着,肩膀一般高。A still liquid surface is at true level.静止的液体表面是处于真水平面的。Since the Second World War there has been an increasing level of affluence in the West.第二次世界大战以后,西方国家越来越富裕。Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友一直是表面上友善。Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。Don't let yourself be dragged down to his level.别让自己堕落到他那种程度。The water was level with my waist.水齐我的腰深。The test is used as a barometer to measure a student's reading level.这次考试是用来衡量学生阅读水平的。The level of mistakes is within the acceptable range of standards for a public organization.对一个公共组织来说,错误数还算在可接受的范围之内。I tried my level best to persuade her to stay.我尽了我最大的努力劝她留下来。The Irish educate proportionately more young people to university level than the British.按比例算,爱尔兰接受大学教育的年轻人比英国要多。He looked for a strip of level ground where he could land the plane.他在找一块平地来降落飞机。Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with basic grammar.这个程度的学生在基础语法方面往往存在许多问题。Researchers are observing the course of the disease at the cellular level.研究者正在从细胞阶段观察这种疾病的发展进程。We can teach dancers up to intermediate level here.我们这儿最高可以把舞蹈学员教到中级水平。Drama critics have put her on a level/par with the great Shakespearean actresses.剧评家把她和一些伟大的莎剧女演员相提并论。He cycled along beside her, keeping level.他和她并肩骑行。Most students here are studying for a qualification at diploma level.这里的大多数学生都在攻读学位证书。People are involved in decision-making at a local level.人们参与制定地方决策。His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.他这人做事沉稳冷静,会见机行事的。He held up both his hands on a level with his head.他把双手举得与头一样高。After the flood it took weeks for the water level to go down.洪水过去几个星期后,水位才回落。The city is a mile above sea level.这座城市海拔一英里。He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.他是个头脑冷静、值得信赖的领导。Both teams are level pegging.目前两队并驾齐驱。While the US mobilizes, top-level diplomats are making a last attempt to reach a negotiated settlement.当全美国都动员起来时,高层外交官还在作最后的努力,试图通过谈判来解决问题。Each path is coded to show the level of difficulty.每条路线都按困难程度编了号。They used a bulldozer level off the field.他们用推土机平整土地。The difficulty level of the exercises in the book varies widely.这本书中练习题的难度相差很大。They scored in the eighth minute but four minutes later we were level.他们第八分钟时得分,但四分钟之后我们把比分扳平。Further talks at ministerial level were held.部长级进一步会谈已经举行。She spoke in a level tone of voice.她用平静的语气说话。Students at this level may have problems with basic grammar.这一程度的学生可能会有基本语法的问题。The main bone of contention is the temperature level of the air-conditioners.争来争去无非是空调温度。In a level voice, he ordered the soldiers to aim and fire.他语调平静地命令士兵们瞄准射击。Once the rate rises it never drops back to its previous level.一旦价格上去了就再也不会降到以前的水平了。The difference in the level of the sea at high tide and low tide is very large.在满潮和低潮时海平面差异很大。The child's reading ability is satisfactory for his age level.孩子的阅读能力就他的年龄来说是颇为可喜的。There is evidence that privately insured patients are offered a higher level of care.有证据表明,私人投保的病人得到更好的照料。




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