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词汇 请你
例句 Can you pause the movie there, please?请你把电影暂停一下吗?Would you kindly turn down the music? I'm trying to read.请你把音乐声调低点好吗?我想看看书。Once we've settled in, we'll have you over for dinner.一旦我们安顿下来,一定要请你过来吃饭。Would you please do it one more time? 可以请你再做一次吗?If you won't keep quiet you can get out.你如不保持安静,就请你走。Will you copy out this letter immediately?请你立刻把这封信复打一份好吗? I'll stake you to a dinner if you'll come.如果你愿意来,我请你吃饭。Sarah, can you straighten up the lounge please?萨拉,请你把起居室整理一下好吗?Please stand aside, you are throwing your shadow over my work.请你站开,你的身影遮住了光线,我没法工作。Please send us your Polaroids and the best ones will be published.请你把一次成像照片寄给我们,我们挑最好的发表。Would you like to step inside for a few minutes?请你进来一会儿好吗?Can you hold the line, please?请你不要挂断电话好吗?Would you step out of my way a little?请你挪一挪,别挡住我的道好吗?Can you layer it a little at the front, please?请你把前面的头发剪出一点层次吗?Would you ask visitors not to park their cars in front of the entrance.请你要求访客不要把汽车停在入口处前。My hearing's not very good - can you speak a little louder please?我的听力不是很好—请你说大声一点好吗?I know that you have decided to leave the club, but please reconsider.我知道你已决定退出俱乐部了,不过请你三思而行。I'm sorry to be a bother, but could I have that number again?对不起打扰你了,请你再告诉我一遍那个号码好吗?Can you make a little less noise, please? I'm trying to work.请你别发出那么大声音好吗?我正在工作。Would you mind cleaning up the spilled milk?请你把洒出来的奶擦干净好吗?I could use some help putting these decorations up if you're not too busy.你如果不太忙的话,我想请你帮忙把这些装饰品挂起来。I'm sorry, but I need to ask you to leave.对不起,但我得请你离开。May I have the pleasure of your company?可否有幸请你作伴? You've said enough. Please leave before you do any more damage.你说得够多了。请你走开,免得造成更多不好的影响。If you raise your hands, I'll answer questions one at a time.请你们举手,我会逐一回答你们的问题。It's boring, but please bear with it.是很没劲,但还是要请你忍耐一下。I make no apologies for bringing this issue to your attention once again.再次请你考虑这个问题我觉得没有错。If they give me the job I'll take you out for a slap-up meal.如果他们把那份工作给我,那我就请你到外面好好地吃顿美餐。Just try to cool down and think rationally.请你尽量冷静下来,理智地想一想。Will you bring her to Tom's party?请你带她去汤姆的聚会,好不好? Listen, I don't want any trouble in here, so please just finish your drink and leave.听着,我可不想这儿出什么乱子,请你赶快喝完走人。Can you take care of this customer, please?请你照顾这位顾客好吗?Please see that this urgent parcel gets off this morning.请你务必在今天上午把这紧急邮包寄出去。 I know it's a sacrifice for you, but please try to understand.我知道这对你来说是种牺牲,但是还请你理解。Could you do the adding up? I've got no head for figures.请你做一下合计好吗?我没有算术头脑。Will you children shut up? ! I can't concentrate on my work.孩子们可以请你们闭嘴吗?我没法子专心工作。If the occasion arises, I'll ask for your help.如果有事我会请你帮忙的。Just turn the power on, would you?请你接通电源好吗?I will thank you to turn on the lights.请你把电灯打开。Would it be an imposition to ask you to mail this parcel?请你邮寄这个小包裹算是利用你吗?




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