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例句 Please stop writing and lay down your pencils.请不要再写了,放下你们手中的铅笔。Please don't cry! You'll make me want to cry as well.请不要哭了!你这样我也想哭了。Please don't make a decision without me.请不要背着我做决定。Please, no more violence. It's time to stop this insanity.请不要再使用暴力。是停止这种荒唐行为的时候了。Please don't talk about sex in front of the children.请不要在孩子们面前谈论性。Will you hold my calls for the next half hour please?半小时内请不要把电话转进来,好吗?All of our lines are currently busy. Please hold.我们所有的电话都占线,请不要挂机。Please ignore my previous instructions.请不要理会我先前的指令。Please don't let my secret out. 请不要泄露我的秘密。Please stop making that banging noise – it's driving me mad!请不要砰砰乱敲,烦死我了!Please don't wind him up – he causes me enough trouble.请不要惹他生气,他给我带来的麻烦够多的了。Please refrain from spitting on the sidewalk.请不要在人行道上吐痰。What we are about to do is perfectly legal. But please don't discuss it with anyone.我们要做的事完全合法。但请不要与任何人讨论这件事。No politics at the dinner table, please.吃饭的时候请不要谈论政治。Please don't handle the vases - they're very fragile.请不要触碰花瓶,它们极易破碎。Please don't cry.请不要哭泣。Please don't omit any details.请不要省略任何细节。Please don't touch any of my stuff while I'm away.我不在时候请不要碰我的东西。Please don't interpret my remarks as support for the current system.请不要把我的讲话理解成对当前体制的支持。Don't idle or lurk in a chatroom.请不要在聊天室潜水。Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.包装时请不要将衬衫弄绉了。Would you please stop talking. I'm trying to watch the movie.请不要说话,我想聚精会神地看电影。I'd like a roast beef sandwich on rye, and hold the mustard please. 我要一个黑麦的烤牛肉三明治,请不要加芥末。Please do not leave your luggage unattended.请不要丢下您的行李无人照管。Please don't waste my time. My time is very valuable.请不要浪费我的时间。我的时间非常宝贵。Please don't put yourself out just for us.请不要为我们忙了。I'll tell you a secret, but please don't repeat it to anyone.我告诉你一个秘密,但请不要告诉任何人。That's a very delicate piece of equipment - please leave it alone.那个设备非常精密—请不要碰它。Please don't shout. I'm not hard of hearing.请不要喊叫,我不是聋子。Please don't think that your record is the only hyped record on the charts.请不要认为排行榜上只有你的唱片是通过被大量购买来提升排名的。If you see any unattended bag or package, please don't touch it.看到任何无主的包或包裹,请不要去碰。Please refrain from smoking in the restaurant.请不要在餐厅里抽烟。Please don't go to a lot of bother.请不要太麻烦了。Don't blame them too much if they cut loose with some language.如果他们偶尔漏出几句脏话,请不要过分责怪他们。Please don't all talk at the same time.请不要大家一起说。Please don't leave on my behalf.请不要因为我而离开。And finally, don't miss Albuquerque's amazing punk band, playing tonight at the Lunar Club.最后,请不要错过阿尔布开克基了不起的朋克乐队,今晚他们将在月球俱乐部演出。Please don't dally. We need you here right away.请不要拖延。我们要你马上过来。We haven't much time, please speak to the subject.我们时间不多,请不要离开话题。No tonic for me, please, I like my vodka straight.请不要给我加奎宁水,我喜欢喝纯伏特加。




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