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词汇 nothing short of
例句 That she could survive after floating 7 days at sea was nothing short of miracle.她能在漂流七天之后生还简直是个奇迹。Her recovery seemed nothing short of a miracle.她的康复简直是个奇迹。The way the whales are killed is nothing short of barbaric.捕杀鲸鱼的方式简直是野蛮。The ugly tall building by the side of the lake is nothing short of an eyesore.湖畔那座丑陋的高层建筑真是不折不扣的眼污染物。That's nothing short of a jack-in-the-box surprise.那件事可真是大大出乎意料。They would settle for nothing short of total independence.他们只有得到完全独立才肯罢休。That treatment is nothing short of torture!那种治疗简直就是种折磨!Her memory is nothing short of miraculous.她的记忆力真了不起。His recovery was nothing short of miraculous. 他的康复简直是不可思议。His behaviour was nothing short of rudeness.他的行为非常无礼。That you should escape by the skin of your teeth is nothing short of an apocalypse to me.你能够大难不死,对我来说不亚于是个天启。His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. = His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. 他的康复简直是个奇迹。His achievements as a political reformer have been nothing short of miraculous.他作为一名政治改革家所取得的成就简直称得上是奇迹。The results of the treatment were nothing short of amazing.治疗结果非常理想。The condition of the inner cities in this country is nothing short of a crime.这个国家各旧城区的情况简直惨不忍睹。The state of our health service is nothing short of a scandal.我们的医疗保健服务状况简直是一种耻辱。Her behaviour was nothing short of obnoxious.她的举止极其粗鲁。It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much.要价这么高,真是无异于赤裸裸的抢劫了。Our escape was nothing short of miraculous.我们的脱险简直可说是奇迹。The party was nothing short of a disaster.这次聚会简直就是一场灾难。




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