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词汇 noticed
例句 As you will have noticed, there are some gaps in the data.你也许已经注意到了,数据里有些缺漏。Everyone noticed her outward calm at the funeral.大家都注意到在葬礼上她表面上很平静。No-one noticed that the little boy had crept into the room and was sitting there, listening.没有人注意到这个小男孩溜进了房间,坐在那里听。I noticed that my belly had drastically reduced in size.我注意到我的肚子小了不少。She noticed his dimples when he smiled.她注意到他笑起来有酒窝。Have you noticed how warped these shelves are?你注意到这些架子变形到了什么程度吗?She was so quiet that her presence has hardly been noticed.她一声不响,几乎没有人注意她在场。His talent was noticed early on, though it was years before he achieved a major breakthrough.他的才华人们很早便注意到了,不过多年以后他才取得重大突破。I've noticed a significant improvement in your work since the spring.我注意到开春以来你的工作有显著进步。I noticed that Elisa was suddenly uncomfortable and blushing.我注意到埃莉莎突然开始不自在起来,脸也红了。She's always noticed. But then, to be honest, Ghislaine likes being noticed.她总是受到关注。但是说句实在话,吉莱纳喜欢被人关注。I noticed that one of the horses was limping, and called for the vet.我注意到其中一匹马跛了,于是叫来兽医。You'll get noticed in that new sports car. = That new sports car will get you noticed.那辆新跑车会让你受人瞩目。He must have noticed my hesitation.他肯定已注意到了我的疑虑。A farmer noticed our foreign accents and tipped off the Security Police.一个农民听出我们有外国口音,暗中通知了保安警察。Several minutes passed before the girls were noticed.过了几分钟那些女孩才引起注意。I'm amazed that no one noticed the error.我很惊讶竟然没有人注意到这个错误。I noticed an error in the book.我注意到书中有个差错。We called the police when we noticed her newspapers and mail were piling up.我们注意到她家的报纸和邮件越堆越多,便叫来警察。An onlooker noticed the disturbance.一位旁观者看到了这场骚乱。His friends noticed that he was behaving in a strange fashion. 朋友们注意到了他的行为有些怪异。You must have noticed that my wife wasn't quite herself that evening.你肯定注意到我太太那晚有点儿不大对劲。The boss noticed her strong commitment to her work.老板注意到了她对工作的巨大投入。Ellis quickly passed the note to the woman, looking around to check that no one had noticed.埃利斯往四下看看以确保无人察觉,很快地把纸条传给那个女人。I took a quick glance at the house and noticed it was very old.我瞥了那房子一眼,注意到它很古旧了。He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.他注意到身后一个开蓝色福特车的男人正打手势要靠边停车。The incident was noticed in the first chapter of the book.这一事件在该书的第一章里述及。I noticed that her hands were shaking.我注意到她的双手在颤抖。She noticed the peeling paintwork.她注意到了剥落的油漆。Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。Customers noticed a suspicious package by the door.顾客们注意到门边有一个可疑包裹。Helen noticed one little boy standing apart from the rest of the group.海伦注意到一个小男孩站在一旁,没有和其他孩子一起。Experts have noticed changes in the atmosphere.专家们注意到了大气层中的变化。He noticed the crack in her voice as she tried to continue.他注意到她继续说下去时声音都变了。The plane was noticed to take off at six o'clock.飞机接到通知六时起飞。I noticed a certain reluctance among the teachers.我注意到老师们有些勉为其难。They were so deep in conversation that they barely noticed me.他们谈得如此投入,以至于几乎没有注意到我。I first noticed the purple blotches on my neck on Thursday.我最早发觉自己脖上有紫斑是在星期四。Certain significant straws in the wind were noticed by him.他注意到了某些重要的动向。She noticed a return of his old habits.她注意到他的老习惯又露头了。




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