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词汇 Lenny
例句 Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest.伦尼仍不能消除压在心口恼人的紧张感。In his dealings with men, Lenny was known to be unreliable.在人际交往方面,伦尼被认为并不可靠。Lenny swayed for a moment, then dropped to the ground, impaling himself on his switchblade.伦尼晃了一下,然后倒在了地上,他的弹簧刀刺穿了自己的身体。The tires of Lenny's bike hissed over the wet pavement as he slowed down.伦尼放缓车速,听到自行车轮胎在湿漉漉的路面上发出嘶嘶的响声。Lenny bent over to pick up the coins.伦尼弯下腰去捡硬币。Stylistically, Weller is treading a similar path to that of Lenny Kravitz.在风格上,韦勒与伦尼·克拉维茨走着相似的路子。Lenny Henry, the famous British comedian, will appear in a show in London next week.著名英国喜剧演员莱尼·亨利将于下周在伦敦登台表演。Daniel and Lenny chatted together in the kitchen as I said goodnight to Tom.丹尼尔和莱尼在厨房交谈时,我向汤姆道晚安。Lenny dropped to the ground, impaling himself on his switchblade.伦尼朝地面倒下去,他的弹簧刀刺进了身体。Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.伦尼悄无声息地快速穿过房前的草坪。At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack.在院子的最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。Every time I fluffed a line Lenny got me out of trouble with a brilliant ad-lib.每次我台词出错时,伦尼都通过机智的临场发挥帮我解围。




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