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The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.东京的帝国大饭店是由著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特设计的。Lloyd doesn't even know his right from his left.劳埃德甚至分不清左右。A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd.几天前,他收到劳埃德勋爵发来的一封电报。Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought.劳埃德鼓动她吃鱼子酱。可她一想到这个就打哆嗦。The people who run Lloyd's of London took a pasting yesterday.伦敦劳埃德保险社的经营者昨天受到了严厉批评。Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant.劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous.这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。The City's reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd's.类似劳埃德保险公司的那些丑闻令伦敦名声扫地。Julian Lloyd Webber thinks his brother would like the approbation of serious critics.朱利安·劳埃德·韦伯认为他弟弟希望获得严肃批评家的认可。Though Lloyd George's behaviour seemed curious, Haig still did not smell a rat.尽管劳埃德·乔治的行为古怪,黑格仍然没有任何怀疑。Mr Lloyd resigned and asked Mr Graham to serve in his place.劳埃德先生辞职了,他请格雷厄姆先生代替他的位置。He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds.他是劳埃德船级协会管理执行委员会的一员。Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.洛扎诺声称克莱门特·劳埃德骑着摩托车想把他撞伤。Andrew Lloyd Webber's new musical will open later this year.安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的新音乐剧将于今年稍后时间开演。The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer.汇丰银行通过提高报价击败了劳埃德保险公司。Crusading journalist William Lloyd Garrison represented the radical fringe.斗志昂扬的新闻工作者威廉·劳埃德·加里森代表激进的这一派。Susan and Lloyd were both tired out from feeding, bathing, and putting the children to bed.苏珊和劳埃德给孩子们喂饭、洗澡、弄他们上床,两个人都累极了。 |