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Laura was a perfectionist who never tired herself and did not expect those who worked for her to complain about fatigue.劳拉是个完美主义者,她自己永远不知疲倦,也不希望自己的手下抱怨累。Tim had miscalculated: Laura would never disobey her father.蒂姆想错了:劳拉是绝不会违抗父命的。Laura herself died soon after.不久之后劳拉本人就去世了。Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。For this omission Laura had a plethora of excuses.对此疏忽劳拉的借口多得很。Laura's going a bit batty.劳拉变得有些古怪。Somehow he had to unburden his soul to somebody, and it couldn't be to Laura.不管怎样,他需要找个人倾诉一番,而这个人不可能是劳拉。Laura's taken a fancy to Japanese food.劳拉喜欢上了日本料理。Gwyn's children, Craig and Laura, are thrilled with the new arrival.格温的两个孩子克雷格和劳拉因为新添的宝宝而兴奋不已。As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never mattered.至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。Laura had not reproached him, never so much as mentioned it.劳拉没责备他,甚至提都没提那件事。Laura was basting the leg of lamb.劳拉正往羔羊腿上浇抹油脂。You'll thank me for this one day, Laura.你总有一天会因此而感谢我的,劳拉。Laura twisted the handkerchief in her hands nervously.劳拉紧张地双手扭着手绢。I decided to ask Laura what she thought I should do. She always gives me good advice.我决定去问问劳拉我该怎么办,她总能给我好的建议。Laura Russ Yachts, Pty Ltd劳拉·拉斯帆船控股有限公司Lara opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again.劳拉张嘴想说话,但是又闭了起来。Laura's face reddened and she squirmed with embarrassment.劳拉满脸通红,窘迫地扭来扭去。Laura is a lovely young woman.劳拉是个亲切友好的姑娘。He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.他让总机接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。Laura spoke in an undertone to Tarquin, who snorted and puffed.劳拉低声跟塔尔坎讲着话,后者则不满地哼哼了几句。Laura has a habit of rubbing people up the wrong way.劳拉有惹人生气的习惯。Laura shrugged, and gave a heavy sigh.劳拉耸了耸肩,重重地叹了口气。Laura Davies is assured of a place in Europe's team.劳拉·戴维斯确信能在欧洲队中占据一席之地。I asked my childminder to do what I do when Laura is naughty.我要求给我看小孩的人在劳拉淘气的时候也像我那样去做。When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and bawling at each other.我回到旅馆的时候,劳拉和彼得正互相叫嚷着。Laura acknowledged this compliment with a negligent wave of her left hand.劳拉随意挥了挥左手算是听到了这个赞扬。Orphaned at the age of six, Laura grew up with her father's relatives.劳拉六岁成了孤儿,在父亲的亲戚家长大。Lara liked being at college, but she missed her family very much.劳拉喜欢住在学校里,但是她非常想念家人。Laura looked around her with amazement.劳拉惊奇地环顾四周。As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.我自己也是个独生子,因此和劳拉有同感。Laura crouched by the fire, feeding it with dry sticks.劳拉蹲在火堆旁添加干柴。He'd phoned Laura to see if she was better.他打电话给劳拉看她是不是好些了。Laura leaned forward to pry open the crate.劳拉俯下身子撬开了板条箱。Eventually, Tim, Laura, and Ann moved into a shared house.最后,蒂姆、劳拉和安搬进了一个房子共住。Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。I asked Laura what was wrong and she told me to mind my own business.我问劳拉发生了什么事,她让我少管闲事。Given the circumstances, his behaviour to Laura had been punctiliously correct.考虑当时的情况,他对劳拉的举止非常得体。Last but not least, I want to thank my wife Laura for all her help during the campaign.最后但同样重要的是,我想感谢我的太太劳拉在整个竞选过程中的鼎力相助。Chatting with Laura, he was able to relax and open out.和劳拉闲聊,他可以放松自己,敞开心扉。 |