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词汇 legend
例句 He is an honest-to-goodness legend.他是个真正的传奇人物。Some of his amorous exploits have passed into legend.他的一些风流轶事已经成了传奇。The castle is steeped in history and legend.这座城堡历史悠久,充满了传奇。His legend lives on.他的传奇仍广为流传。Garbo was a legend in her own lifetime.嘉宝在她的有生之年就很有名了。The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.这部电影用马克思主义的观点重述了那个著名的传说。He has become a legend in the annals of military history.他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology.她正在写一篇关于爱尔兰民间故事和神话的论文。He is the hero of an old legend.他是一个古老传说中的英雄。Here, according to legend, Robin Hood lies buried.根据传说,罗宾汉就葬在这里。The story is a retelling of a Greek legend.这个故事是一个希腊传说的改编版。The truth is more prosaic than the legend.事实比不上传说那样富有诗意。His frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press.他多次与死神擦肩而过,媒体竞相报道这一传奇故事。She was a legend in her own time. 在那个年代她是一位传奇人物。He could not possibly have been poisoned as popular legend has it.他不可能像民间传说的那样被下了毒。It is difficult to separate truth from legend.将事实和传说区分开来是很难的。His laziness is legend among his fellow politicians.他的懒惰在与他共事的政治家中是出了名的。The film tells the story of Lee's meteoric rise from North Dakota radio singer to jazz legend.这部影片讲的是李从北达科他州的电台歌手一举成为爵士乐传奇人物的故事。He has become a baseball legend.他已成为棒球界的传奇人物。He told us the legend of the ghostly horseman.他给我们讲幽灵骑士的传说。The island has long been the subject of legend.这座岛屿长期以来一直是传说的主题。Over the past several decades, scientists were unable to demystify the legend of the Lock Ness Monster.几十年来,科学家都无法解除尼斯湖水怪的神秘传说。In Celtic legend, Arthur was a Herculean hero who killed the Demon Cat of Losanne.在凯尔特传说中,亚瑟王是一位杀死了洛桑猫精的赫剌克勒斯式英雄。The movie retold an ageless legend.这部电影重述了一个永恒的传说。He packaged himself as a legend.他把自己打扮成传奇人物。According to the legend, Acrisius built an underground house for his daughter. Here he shut her up and guarded her.根据传说,阿克里西俄斯为女儿在地下建了一座房子。他把她禁闭在那里,守护着她。The movie gives this old legend a real modern twist.电影让这个古老的传说转而产生了一种真正的现代色彩。His pitching was a legend among major league hitters.他的投球在大联盟的击球员中是个传奇。In the case of King Arthur, legend and truth are often inextricable.说起亚瑟王,传说和真相常常交织在一起。They know scholars reject their legend, but they still cling to their belief.尽管知道学者们不相信他们的传说,他们还是坚持自己的信仰。The story is part of the ancient legend of King Arthur.这个故事是亚瑟王的古老传说的一部分。She's a living legend. 她是一个活传奇。According to legend, more than one person came to a bad end because of her.据传,不止一个人因为她而不得善终。His achievements have already made him a footballing legend.他的成就已经使他成为足球界的一个传奇人物。It's been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend.这本自传被宣传成是一部揭示传奇背后真相的作品。Michael Jordan is a living legend of basketball.迈克尔·乔丹是篮球界的当代传奇人物。She is a legend in her own time. = She is a living legend. 她成了她那个时代的传奇人物。Rudolph Nureyev's skill and gracefulness made him a legend in his own lifetime.鲁道夫·努里耶夫的技艺和风度使他成了他那个时代的传奇。There have always been stories of human giants in Celtic legend and mythology.凯尔特神话传说中一直都有巨人的故事。He became a legend in his own time.他成为他那个时代的传奇人物。




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