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词汇 left-handed
例句 He is baseball's greatest left-handed pitcher.他是棒球运动中最厉害的左手投手。She's a right-handed/left-handed batter.她是个惯用右手/左手的击球手。I batted left-handed and bowled right-handed.我左手击球,右手投球。A small proportion of people in the group was left-handed.这个组里小部分人是左撇子。My sister is right-handed but I'm left-handed.我姐姐惯用右手,但我是左撇子。He was right-handed, while Maggie was left-handed.他惯用右手,而玛吉惯用左手。She bats left-handed.她用左手击球。There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.伦敦有一个地方卖左撇子用品,几乎什么都有。My mum's left-handed.我妈妈是左撇子。She needs left-handed scissors.她需要一把左手剪。Her left-handed serves frequently left Clijsters flat-footed.她的左手球经常使克里斯特尔斯猝不及防。He writes left-handed.他用左手写字。Their tracks are all left-handed.他们的车道都是逆时针方向的。She played left-handed to give her opponent a fair chance.她用左手进行比赛以给对手一个较为公平的机会。She is left-handed.她是左撇子。Most people in my family are right-handed, but I'm left-handed.我的家里人大多习惯用右手,但我是左撇子。My father thought that I'd be at a disadvantage if I wrote left-handed.我父亲认为如果我用左手写字会吃亏。




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