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词汇 equanimity
例句 The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.领导层坦然地接受了失败。He seemed to be facing the future with equanimity.他似乎很平静地面对未来。He received the news with surprising equanimity.他接到消息时显得异常镇静。When Carmen had shouted at him, his equanimity had finally snapped and he had wanted to hit her.当卡门冲他大喊大叫的时候,他终于沉不住气了,想要打她。He tried desperately to maintain equanimity but did not succeed.他拼命想保持镇定,但没有成功。They were content to accept their loss with equanimity.他们甘愿泰然接受损失。Even direct insult did not disturb his equanimity.甚至直截了当的侮辱也不曾扰乱他的平静。His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity.他的幽默感让他能够镇定地面对对手。She accepted her misfortunes with equanimity. 她冷静地接受了自己的种种不幸。




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