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词汇 lean over
例句 I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.我俯身去拿那些零钱,接下来就突然感到脚踝剧痛。They stopped to lean over a gate.他们停下脚步,在一扇门上探出身来。He leaned over the table, thrusting at me with his cigar.他从桌子上面倾过身来,用雪茄戳向我。I sat down next to Bernard, who leaned over to me and said "You're late."我在伯纳德身边坐下,他凑过身子对我说,“你来晚了。”Evelyn leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.伊夫琳俯过身来在他的面颊上吻了一下。They leaned over a gate.他们从一扇大门后探出身来。I've leaned over backward to please you—and you haven't even said thank you!我为了让你高兴使出浑身解数,可你连声谢谢都没说!He leaned over to embrace the child.他弯腰去拥抱那个孩子。The manager leaned over the desk and read the report.经理俯在办公桌上读报告。The sign leaned over at a slight angle.那块招牌有点倾斜。The mayor leaned over backward to avoid the appearance of nepotism.市长为了避免裙带关系的出现而走向了另一个极端。They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below.他们靠在栏杆上向下凝视令人眩晕的深渊。Don't lean over too far.身体不要过分前倾。He leaned over to Melissa with an air of confidentiality.他向梅利莎凑过身去,显出很机密的样子。She leaned over to her nearest neighbour and whispered something.她倾身向离她最近的人轻声说了些什么。She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她俯过身去,贴着他的耳朵小声说了些什么。My sweater started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle.我俯身靠向燃着的蜡烛时把套头衫烧焦了。When I leaned over to kiss her, she pulled away.我倾身去亲她时,她躲开了。He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's.他从柜台上方俯下身去,一张脸几乎与小男孩一样高。He leaned over her, smelling strongly of sweat.他向她俯过身来,身上散发着浓浓的汗味。The girl sitting next to me leaned over and whispered something in my ear.坐在我旁边的女孩侧过身来在我耳边低声说了些什么。He leaned over and his lips brushed against her hair.他弯下身,嘴唇擦过她的头发。She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她俯身对他耳语了些什么。He leaned over backward to curry favour with influential officials.他极力巴结权贵。She leaned over the fence.她斜靠在篱笆上。The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.那个恶棍斜倚过来用一种软绵绵、甘言劝诱的声调和她交谈。He leaned over the girl with a leer and she could smell the whisky on his breath.他色迷迷地笑着靠向那女孩,她闻到了他口中的威士忌气味。She leaned over and whispered something in Peter's ear.她俯身对彼得讲了几句悄悄话。They leaned over backwards to persuade him out of his plan.他们竭尽全力劝他放弃他的计划。James leaned over to whisper something to Michael.詹姆斯俯身跟迈克尔低声说了点什么。They leaned over the table to smell the flowers.他们俯身闻桌子上的花。I leaned over her shoulder to study the maps spread out on the table.我俯下身从她的肩头仔细看地图。Dino leaned over and spat on the ground.蒂诺探身把痰吐在地上。She leaned over the rail of the ship.她倚靠着船的栏杆。She leaned over and smelled the flowers.她俯身闻了闻花儿。She leaned over and whispered something to the girl next to her.她探过身对身旁的女孩低声说了些什么。Diane leaned over and pummeled the pillows.黛安娜俯下身不断捶打枕头。They leaned over backwards to make her feel at home.他们尽量设法使她不感到拘束。She leaned over and whispered to the girl next to her.她探过身对身旁的女孩低声耳语。She leaned over and kissed me.她俯身过来吻了我。




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