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There was another knockdown, but this time it was a push from Khan that put the American on the canvas.再次出现击倒对手的一击,但是这次是卡恩把美国人击倒在拳击台上。The middleweight boxing champion had his opponent up against the ropes.那个中量级拳击冠军将对手逼到了拳击台的护栏上。The boxer made a triumphant return to the ring. 那个拳击手重返拳击台后赢得了胜利。Ali swaggered arrogantly into the boxing ring, as if he had already won the fight.阿里趾高气扬地走进拳击台,那样子就好像他已经打赢了比赛。The seconds were sent out of the ring and the fight began.辅导员被打发出拳击台,拳击赛开始进行。Hernandez entered the boxing ring to wild cheers.赫尔南德斯登上拳击台时得到了人们狂热的欢呼。 |