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词汇 assembled
例句 Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.悲剧发生后几小时之内,就集结起来一支紧急救援队伍。A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.少数会众聚在一起,等待子夜弥撒。She assembled all of her old photos into three albums.她把她所有的老照片收集在三本相册里。Important notices are read out to the assembled school.重要通知是在集会上向全校师生宣读的。The question was answered by an angry roar from the assembled thousands.成千上万的集会者以怒吼声回答了那问题。We had assembled for the first rehearsal.我们集合起来进行第一次排练。I bought the desk already assembled.我买了一张早已组装好的书桌。When all the evidence is assembled, it will be clear that Michael is innocent.等所有证据收集齐,大家就会清楚迈克尔是无罪的。Hundreds of notes and letters were assembled into a book.数百份短笺和信件被汇编成书。The children were assembled in hundreds.数百名孩子被集合起来。He assembled a bunch of castoffs into a good football team.他将一群其他球队弃用的球员组成了一支出色的橄榄球队。He assembled the rifle piece by piece.他一个部件一个部件地把步枪组装好。He let me watch while he assembled the model.他让我看着他组装模型。He was one of the small select group assembled by Penney, at the High Explosive Research centre.他是彭尼在烈性炸药研究中心召集的精英小组的一员。A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.一大群人聚集在美国大使馆外。He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd.他登上讲台,开始对集会的群众发表演讲。Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。Huston had assembled a remarkably cohesive and sympathetic cast.休斯敦组建起一个非常默契和讨喜的演员班子。They are assembled around a large conference table.他们聚集在一张大会议桌四周。As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.作为最高行政长官,他聚集了一群风度翩翩的名人。The queen assembled her court.女王把她的侍臣召集在一起。The guests were assembled in the hall in readiness for the arrival of the important visitor.客人们聚在大厅里,随时等待著那位重要来访者的光临。The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France.飞机将继续在法国组装。A large expeditionary force is now being assembled.现在正在集结一支人数众多的远征军。Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.外国的外交官和他们的夫人在大会堂集合与总统会面。The cars are assembled by robots.这些车是由自动机械组装的。He glanced around at the assembled company. 他向全体人群扫了一眼。The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal.那幢新的高层建筑是一块一块地组装起来的。A group of angry parents had assembled outside the head teacher's office.一群愤怒的家长聚集在校长办公室外面。A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial.审判期间,法院门前聚集了一群人。Mr Letwin drew a blank when he questioned the assembled group.列特文询问那群集会者,但一无所获。The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration.风筝的组装方法如插图所示。He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.他召集了一个专家组来答疑。A large group had assembled at the pier, waiting to embark.有一大群人聚集在码头上等着上船。The apprentices worked in the shed where the new locomotives were assembled and the old ones repaired.学徒们在工作棚里组装新机车,修理旧机车。She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs.她收集了一些自己最喜欢听的歌。The leaders assembled in Paris.各国领导人在巴黎聚首。The cars are assembled on an assembly line.轿车在装配线上进行组装。You've been assembled for a very important reason.把大家召集起来有一个非常重要的原因。The president read a declaration to a vast assembled crowd.总统向大批聚在一起的人宣读了声明。




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