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例句 By the time the police got there, the boys had done a runner.警察到达那里时,那些男孩子已经溜掉了。Everyone here joins me in congratulating you on a job well done!我和在场各位一道祝贺你出色完成工作!Don't give me such severe looks. What have I done?别那么严厉地看我,我做错什么事了?The task fell to Mr Harris to deliver this bad news. It was gracelessly done.宣布这一坏消息的任务落到了哈里斯先生身上,结果他处理得很不妥当。I felt that the job was imperfectly done.我觉得这项工作做得不完美。You shouldn't have done it. You of all people should know that.你不该那样做,你是最应该知道这点的。No one, barring the magician himself, knows how the trick is done.除了魔术师本人之外,没人知道这个戏法是怎么完成的。He's done an about-turn on fox-hunting.他关于猎狐的态度发生了彻底的转变。There's no need to thank me. Anyone would have done the same.不必感谢我,任何人都会这么做。If that's what you want to do, for heaven's sake do it and have done with it.如果你想那样做,看在老天爷分上你就去做,然后别再烦。He had straightened out all the paperclips on his desk, but had done no work.他把桌上的回形针全都拉直了,但是功课一点都没做。She thinks that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he has done wrong.她认为一个人要是做坏事,死后就得遭受地狱里的磨难。In your situation, I would have done exactly the same thing.要是我处在你的情况,也同样会这么做。But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但是,凯恩先生将会背地里偷偷行动以争取达成交易。Can't a person get anything done around here?难道本人就不能在这儿做成点什么事情吗?You blessed fool, look what you've done to my car!你这该死的笨蛋,瞧你把我的车子搞成什么样子了! All the artwork in the book has been done by the author.这本书中所有的插图都是作者亲手画的。The work was done with surgical precision/exactness.这活儿做得极其精确。New technology stocks have done badly in recent months, but Autonomy has been an exception.新的科技股近几个月表现很差,但自主公司是个例外。Things have to be done in the proper sequence.事情必须按部就班地做。The whole interview was done tongue in cheek.整个访谈只是随便聊聊。Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty.她以父亲为榜样,完成了任务,履行了职责。I have asked the social services for help, but they have not done anything.我向社会福利部门求助,但是他们没有采取任何措施。He hasn't done a stiver of work today.他今天一点儿活都没干。There was nothing further to be done for this man.对于这个男人再没什么能做的了。This final part of the mixing is done slowly and delicately.调和的最后一步要缓慢而精心。It's up to you to see that the job's done properly.确保这项工作能顺利完成是你的责任。The boss expects this to be done this afternoon, so you'd better work fast.老板希望这活今天下午能完成,所以你最好快点干。He's done some lovely still lifes.他画了几张很好看的静物画。I'm afraid Oates is pretty well done for – he can't walk any further.恐怕奥茨已经精疲力竭了,他一步也走不动了。Oh honestly, now look what he's done!哎呀,看看他都做了些什么!The popcorn is done popping.爆米花在噼啪声中做好了。The directorial work of the film was done by Mr. Brown.那部电影的导演由布朗先生担任。It was done in a flash.一眨眼的工夫就完成了。Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.防蚊叮咬好说难做。The sooner I get this work done, the sooner I can go home.我越快做完这件工作,就可以越早回家。She's done with the whole rebellious teenager thing. 她已经完全没有了青春期逆反的那些表现了。Obviously the negotiator had done his homework.显而易见,谈判人事前做了充分的准备工作。Ten thousand times I've done my best and all's to do again.我已经尽力做了千万遍,而一切都还得重做。If you could mobilize the resources, you could get it done.如果你能够调集资源,就可以把这件事做成。




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