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词汇 done with
例句 I am done with the book.这本书我看完了。The work was done with the aid of a computer.这项工作在计算机的帮助下完成了。If that's what you want to do, for heaven's sake do it and have done with it.如果你想那样做,看在老天爷分上你就去做,然后别再烦。The work was done with surgical precision/exactness.这活儿做得极其精确。Let's just give them what they want and have done with it.我们就给他们想要的东西吧,把这事了结掉。They belonged to a part of her life that was over and done with.他们都属于她生活中已经成为过去的一部分。I'm just glad to have the test over and done with.测验终于结束了,我真高兴。Have you done with the newspaper?你看完这张报纸了吗? The service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music.葬礼仪式在庄严的哀乐声中举行。What Noreen's done with the business is quite something.诺琳把生意打理得真是不错。It was done with the best intentions, I assure you.我向你保证,这样做是出于一片好心。She gets unpleasant tasks over and done with as quickly as possible.她会尽快把棘手的任务处理掉。What have you done with my purse?你把我的钱包藏到哪儿去了?What happened many years ago is over and done with as far as I'm concerned.对我来说多年前的往事已经成为过去。They were not half done with the work.那工作他们才做了一点点。We got everything done with a minimum of fuss.我们尽量有条不紊地做好了一切事情。The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.这项工作一丝不苟地完成了。It was not done with malice or evil intent.这并非出于恶意或害人之心而为之。Are you done with the documents?你看完这些文件了吗?I'll be glad when the whole business is over and done with.到整件事情完全处理好的时候,我会很高兴的。I should throw you out now and have done with it.我现在要轰你走,就此了结。When I asked him what he'd done with the money he just looked daggers at me and refused to speak.我问他把钱弄到哪去了,他就怒视着我不肯说话。The work was done with surgical precision. 工作完成得十分严谨细致。Now that the work is over and done with you can have a rest.这项工作既已结束,你可休息了。 Removal of the brake pads is a simple operation which can be done with a few basic tools.拆除刹车板很简单,有几件基本工具就能做到。She's done with the whole rebellious teenager thing. 她已经完全没有了青春期逆反的那些表现了。Let's have done with this quarreling.让我们结束这场争吵吧。She began by asking what we'd done with her money. And that was just for openers!她首先问我们拿她的钱都做了什么,这还仅仅是开始而已。Interviewing victims of crime must be done with sensitivity.和罪案受害人面谈一定要顾及他们的感受。I can't get any work done with those kids under my feet.这些孩子在这儿碍手碍脚的,我什么也做不了。The work was done with remarkable speed.这项工作推进的速度非常快。Just go pay the fine and be done with it.去付了罚款,把这事了结掉吧。Let us have done with name-calling.我们别再骂人了。I'm almost done with the project. I just need a little more time to mop up.这项工程我快完成了,只是还需要一点时间扫尾。The cast could all have done with an extra run-through of some of the songs.所有演员本来能够把某些歌曲再排练一遍的。Are you done with the scissors?剪刀你用完了吗?Everything was done with utmost comeliness.一切都很恰当地做好了。How can they square what they've done with what they've said?他们如何能做到言行一致呢?I don't know what I've done with it.我不知道我把它放在那里了。Once this is all over and done with, you can have a rest.一旦这个全部搞定,你就可以休息了。




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