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His latest book is a biting satire on the monarchy.他最新的书是对君主制的辛辣讽刺。The incident was the latest in a string of attacks.这是一连串袭击事件中最近的一起。This dress is one of our latest lines.这件衣服是我们的最新产品之一。His latest work is several notches above anything he has produced before.他最近的作品比他以往创作的任何东西都更胜一筹。It was the latest in a string of railroad wrecks.这是一系列火车失事中的最近一次。He plays one of the good guys in his latest film and defeats all the baddies. 在他的电影新作中,他饰演一个好人,打败了所有的坏蛋。His latest film has been condemned as the priapic fantasies of an old man.他最近的一部电影被谴责为是个老汉对阳刚之气的幻想。In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我们的战地记者克莱尔‧达根在其最新报道中说战事正在加剧。This latest survey presents a gloomy picture of the Russian economy.最近这次调查显示,俄罗斯的经济形势令人沮丧。The heroine of her latest novel is a middle-class English woman.她新小说中的女主人公是一位中产阶级的英国女性。There's a double-page spread on the latest fashions.有一篇横贯两版的文章介绍最新的时尚。She has just landed the lead role in The Young Vic's latest production.她刚刚获得在小维克剧院上演的最新作品中出演女主角的机会。We got the dope on the latest offer from Morgan.我们掌握了摩根最新报价的情况。The latest survey offers no encouragement.最近的调查结果并不令人鼓舞。We asked the sales director to lead off with the latest sales figures.我们让销售部经理先发言,报告一下最近的销售数字。The latest band taking the country by storm is a Swedish group.最近风靡全国的是一支瑞典乐队。This latest setback has brought/carried/driven her to the depths of despair.最近的这次挫折使她陷入绝望的深渊。Her latest batch of work just isn't up to the mark.她最近的一批活儿不合格。The audience was singing along to his latest song.观众都在跟着他唱他的新歌。The latest economic news has given investors pause for thought.最新的经济新闻让投资者踌躇不前。She gowned herself in the latest Paris fashions.她穿巴黎最时新的长袍。The latest news threatens trouble for the economy.最新消息显示经济会出现问题。The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由撰稿记者来报道最近发生的一些事件。Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.员工需要跟上最新的技术发展。The latest test results clearly demonstrate that the vaccine works.最新实验结果明确显示,这种疫苗有效。His latest statements are hardly credible.他最近的言论令人难以置信。The procedure is gaining recognition as the latest advance in organ transplant surgery.作为器官移植手术的最新发展,该操作法正逐渐获得认可。The students discussed the latest news in national/local politics.学生们讨论了最新的全国/地方政治新闻。Political commentators have been tut-tutting over the latest scandal in Washington.政治评论家们一直对华盛顿最近的丑闻啧啧不已。They were assiduous in their search for all the latest facts and figures.他们用心搜集了最新的事实和数据。I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.我希望这最近一次的袭击会让大家对用无谓的暴力攻击少数民族的行为作出郑重的思考。The latest merger will intensify competition among defense companies.最近的兼并将强化从事国防工业的公司之间的竞争。Her latest book was absolutely mauled by the critics.她的新书被评论家们批得体无完肤。The latest Disney film goes on general release next month.迪斯尼公司制作的最新一部电影将在下个月公映。Her latest movie is a shining example of what a film can be.她的最新影片堪称是好电影的典范。Her latest collection of swimwear shows off the contours of the human body to perfection.她的最新系列泳装衬完美地托出了人体的曲线。Critics ripped the author's latest novel apart.批评家们猛烈抨击这名作家的新作。His latest movie, believe it or not, is a romantic comedy about a group of lawyers. 信不信由你,他最新的影片是关于一群律师的浪漫喜剧。The collector showed us some of his latest discoveries.这位收藏家让我们观看了一些他最新的发现。The car has the latest in fuel-saving technology.这种汽车拥有最新的节油技术。 |