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例句 Later we realized our phones had been tapped and the police knew everything.后来我们意识到电话被窃听了,警方已得知一切。Later that year he attacked a photographer, an incident that cost him dear.那年底他攻击了一位摄影师,这件事让他付出了巨大代价。Later he became a man of substance.后来,他成为颇具资产的人。Later it might be possible to obtain the key by requesting it when the desk was busy.稍后,等服务台忙碌的时候,或许有可能要到钥匙。Later, she would describe his magnetism as irresistible.她过后说起时会形容他的魅力难以抵挡。Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.后来,他不得不极不光彩地避开愤怒的抗议者溜走了。Later on, I'll be interviewing the Prime Minister, but first here is a summary of the news.稍后我将采访首相,现在先来看新闻摘要。Later, he cornered Jenny on the stairs and asked her what was wrong.后来他把珍妮堵在楼梯上问她是怎么回事。Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province.其后,他将注意力转向了该省形势严峻的住房问题。Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers.今年晚些时候,她会布置他们写学术论文。Later Mr Moi raised the vexed question of refugees.后来莫伊先生提出了那个让人头疼的难民问题。Later editions had a glossary.后来的版本附有词汇表。Later in the week the weather turned very mild.临近周末的时候,天气变得非常暖和。Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.你愿意的话,过会儿我们可以一起去吃饭。Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed been made.后来,他承认确实付过款了。Later we'll talk live with the former New York police commissioner.稍后我们将现场访谈纽约前警察局长。Later, back at the office, the phone rang.随后,办公室里的电话响了。Later that day, whites retaliated by killing a young black delivery driver.那天稍后白人出手报复,杀了一个年轻的黑人送货司机。Later, we see this character again in a slightly altered form.后面我们还会看到这个人,只是形体稍有改变。Later, when tempers had cooled, they sat down and talked.后来,怒气平息以后,他们坐下来谈了谈。Later it will become cloudy with rain in places.随后将转阴,局部地区有雨。Later they may muddle up your names with those of your cousins.以后他们可能会把你们的名字和你们表亲的弄混。Later events are shrouded in mystery.后来的事件变得迷雾重重。Later that year, IBM released a similar model at a lower price.那年晚些时候,国际商用机器公司发布了一款价格更为低廉的相似产品。Later events were shrouded in mystery.后来的事情被神秘地掩盖了起来。Later in life he grew rather disillusioned with communism.晚年他对共产主义越发不抱幻想了。Later on I learned how to read music.后来我学会了识谱。Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.后来,举证指控穆瓦瓦德的那名证人撤回了证词。Later that year, the substance of their secret conversation appeared in a newspaper article.那年稍后,他们这次秘密谈话的要点出现在报纸上的一篇文章中。The monetary and fiscal history of the Later Roman Empire remains an enigma.罗马帝国后期的货币财政史仍令人费解。Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.夜深后,刘易斯开始低声哼唱另一首斯普林斯廷的歌。Later in the poem there is a reference to the poet's unhappy childhood.诗中后面有地方提到诗人不幸的童年。Later that morning Julie buzzed me.那天上午晚些时候朱丽给我打来了电话。Later versions of the software are much better.较新版本的软件要好得多。Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that.后来她训斥女儿不应该那样对父亲说话。Later we caught our first glimpse of the sea.后来我们第一次瞥见了大海。Later that day I was horsing about with Katie when she accidentally stuck her finger in my eye.那天晚些时候,我和凯蒂玩闹时,她不小心用手指戳到我的眼睛。Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。He began as muscle for a loan shark. Later, he graduated to credit-card fraud.他一开始做放高利贷者的打手,后来逐渐发展到用信用卡诈骗。Later he became established as the unchallenged leader of the Left.后来他成了左派毫无争议的领袖。




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