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What are you insinuating, Daniel?丹尼尔,你究竟在影射什么?He destroyed the witness's character by insinuating base motives to his actions.他旁敲侧击地说证人的举动出于卑鄙的动机,以破坏其名誉。He made an insinuating remark/comment about my weight.他拐弯抹角地评论我的体重。Are you insinuating that I cheated!?你是在拐弯抹角地说我作弊吗!?She didn't reply - she merely smiled that insinuating smile.她没有直接回答——只是露出了那种意味深长的微笑。Just what are you insinuating? 你含沙射影地到底在说什么?Both songs are in danger of being banned for their sexy, insinuating lyrics.两首歌都因歌词具有色情暗示而面临被禁的危险。As she uttered these words she realized they sounded snide and insinuating.她说了这些话后,便意识到它们听上去好像含挖苦和影射意味。Are you insinuating that I smell?你是在旁敲侧击地说我身上有臭味吗?Marcus kept making insinuating remarks.马库斯一直在说些含沙射影的话。 |