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词汇 lately
例句 She's been on a few marches lately.她最近参加过几次游行示威。These yellow socks have been much in request lately.这些黄色短袜近来极为流行。I haven't seen him lately.我最近没见过他。Rick hasn't seemed himself lately.里克近来似乎不大正常。I've been feeling a little depressed lately.最近我一直感觉有点沮丧。The team was playing poorly in the early part of the season, but it has been coming on strong lately.球队在这个赛季初表现欠佳,但后来却越打越好。Have you seen either of them lately?你最近见到过他们俩吗?Mick's been acting very strangely lately.米克最近的行为相当怪。The big fashion houses have been feeling the pinch lately.近来大型时装商店生意萧条。He's been pretty shitty to her lately.最近他一直对她很不好。Work has been fairly murderous lately.工作最近相当难做。When it comes to investing, she's no Johnny-come-lately.说到投资,她可不是新手。I haven't been feeling up to the mark lately.我最近一直感觉不在状态。She's been very matey with the boss lately.她近来跟老板很亲近。There's been a lot of variation in the weather lately. 最近天气多变。Things have been going good lately.最近形势有所好转。My car has been giving me a lot of trouble lately.我的车最近一直出毛病。He has been acting very strangely lately.他最近行为一直很奇怪。I've been avoiding my folks lately.我近来一直在避开家人。Grandad's been getting rather absent-minded lately.爷爷最近变得很健忘。We've been having hellish weather lately.最近天气糟透了。She's become so dogmatic lately that arguing with her is pointless.她最近很教条,和她争论毫无意义。I haven't had time to do much reading lately.最近我没什么时间读书。I've been rather overdoing it lately. I need some rest.最近我一直工作过度,我需要休息。Dad's health hasn't been too good lately.爸爸最近身体不太好。She has been suffering from a lack of sleep lately.她最近一直睡眠不足。He hasn't been very well lately.他最近身体不太好。I've been a little slack about taking my medication lately.最近我有点疏于服药了。There haven't been any earthshattering developments lately.近来没有任何重大进展。They've really been kicking ass lately — busting places up, harassing everybody.他们最近真是让人气不打一处来,闹得天翻地覆,搅得每个人都不得安宁。He used to visit London every week, but lately he goes there twice a week.过去他总是每星期去一次伦敦,但最近每星期去两次。I've been under a lot of stress at work lately.最近我的工作压力非常大。I've been feeling a bit out of sorts lately.近来我身体有些不适。Time had become curiously telescoped lately.最近不知为何时间变得越来越短了。Optimism about the U.S. economy has been a rare commodity lately.近来人们对美国经济鲜有乐观情绪。He's gotten nothing but aggro from his parents lately.最近他的父母除了给他添乱没别的事。We've had some dreadful weather lately.最近我们这里的天气糟透了。John has seemed worried lately.约翰近来似乎很忧虑。Once or twice lately Katy's mentioned him.最近有一两次凯蒂提到过他。He's been so depressed lately that his friends are afraid he might do himself in. 他近来非常沮丧,朋友们都担心他会自杀。




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