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词汇 large city
例句 She enjoyed the anonymity of life in a large city.她喜欢大城市里那种人们基本上互不相识的生活。It's fun to be in a large city at Christmastime. 大城市圣诞节期间非常好玩。She's in the big leagues now, working for a major law firm in a large city.她已是行业的佼佼者,就职于大城市里的一家大型律师事务所。Tourists should take precautions as they would in any large city, and should avoid traveling alone at night.游客应当有所防备,像在任何大城市一样,也应当避免夜间单独外出。They left the large city to locate in a small town.他们离开了大城市,定居在一个小城镇里。In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.在大城市,几乎肯定能找到一个和你意气相投、让你觉得舒心的心灵抚慰者。This scene plays itself out daily in every large city in this country.这种场景每天都在这个国家的每个大城市上演。Living in a large city offers a number of advantages.在大城市生活有很多好处。




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