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词汇 lands
例句 The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.南美大草原仍然是世界上最富饶的土地之一。Settlers were peopling the new lands.移民们在新开拓的土地上定居下来。In doubles, the ball is not out if it lands between the tramlines.双打时,球落在球场两侧的加线间不算出界。Before pipelines can be built, developers must acquire rights of way along miles of private and public lands.在敷设管道前,开发商们必须先取得横贯公私土地许多英里的管道用地。His lands extend as far as the eye can see.他的地产一望无际。His lands were poorly farmed.他的田地耕种不当。In Oregon, planning has sought to control urban sprawl and protect farm and forest lands.俄勒冈州的规划力求限制城市肆意扩展,保护农田和林地。The Celts defended their lands against the Romans.凯尔特人抗击罗马人入侵,捍卫家园。They had distributed the lands among the peasants.他们把土地分给农民。Lanterns and heaters are allowed on Forest Service lands if they are fueled by propane.提灯和取暖器若使用丙烷作为燃料,就可以在林务局所辖的林区里使用。He arrives in his biplane and crash-lands it in a tree.他开着自己的双翼飞机到达,然后摔机着陆落到一棵树上。Many temperate lands are regularly harvested for berries.许多温带地区可按时采获浆果。The lands between the warring countries were neutralized.交战国之间的地区被设为中立区。She enjoys reading about remote lands.她喜欢看介绍遥远异乡的书。His chippy disposition often lands him in trouble.他易怒的脾气经常给他带来麻烦。In this zone lie the dry lands.在这区域内有一个干旱地带。These lands afford good pasture.这些土地上牧草茂盛。His plane lands at six-thirty.他的飞机六点半着陆。They came from lands across the seas.他们来自极其遥远的地方。Both knights owed allegiance to Bishop Odo and were granted lands in Kent under his protection and patronage.两名骑士都向奥多主教表示臣服,在他的庇护和恩赐下获得了位于肯特的土地。If the ball lands within the white lines it counts as a fair serve.球落在白线内,就算发球有效。The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains.穷人们被迫在山峦更高处更为贫瘠的土地上耕作。Now the aim was to crack on with a survey of the lands beyond the mountains.目前的目标是继续勘测山那边的土地。Malaria lurked in the marshy lands.沼泽地有疟疾的潜在威胁。He has visited many distant lands.他访问过许多遥远的国家。He journeyed to many distant lands.他去过许多遥远的国家。With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize.他没有自己的地产,不是个特别值得追求的结婚对象。Don't worry - she always lands on her feet.别担心——她总是很顺利的。They have been single-cropping their lands with wheat.他们的土地始终是单一地种植小麦。Tribal lands are primarily located in remote rural regions.部族土地基本上都处在偏远的乡村地区。They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs.他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs.他在外国的游历为他提供了许多诗与歌曲的灵感。They ventured fearlessly into unknown lands.他们毫不畏惧,冒险进入到未知的土地。These lands belonged to my father.这些地产过去是属于我父亲的。They would go back to their tribal lands.他们会回到自己部族的地盘上。The emperor's armies subjugated the surrounding lands.皇帝的军队征服了帝国周边的疆土。Their ancient tribal lands have been taken away.他们部落古老的土地被抢夺走了。My grandfather told us tales of faraway lands.我祖父给我们讲过有关遥远国度的故事。The Romans brought civilization to many of the lands they conquered.罗马人把文明带到了他们所征服的很多国家。How can we send our young men off to distant lands to die in foreign wars?我们怎么可以把自己的青年送往遥远的国度去死在外国战争中呢?




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