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例句 He managed to get into the private club through the back door because he has a friend who works there.因为有朋友在那家私人俱乐部工作,他想法子走后门进去了。I couldn't see Helen's expression, because her head was turned.我看不到海伦的表情,因为她转过头去了。The shell advertised bonds for sale to investors, but this offering was essentially a fraud because no bonds ever existed.空壳公司刊登广告向投资者兜售债券,但这实质上是欺诈行为,因为其实从来都没有债券可卖。Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers.出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让陷入了混乱。The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.内战使经济一下子陷入停滞。He came back because he believed his future lay with her.他回来是因为他相信自己的未来是和她在一起。He came home early because he wasn't feeling too hot. 他感觉不舒服,提早回家了。I always said I will never call him silly or stupid because if you call them that they'll feel that way.我过去总是说我永远都不会叫他傻子或者笨蛋,因为如果你这么叫别人的话,他们也会这样认为的。He got a sweetheart deal on the new job/car because he knows the manager.由于认识经理,他在这份新工作中受到优待/买新车时得到了特别的优惠。I had written off college because I couldn't afford to pay tuition.我放弃了上大学的梦,因为我付不起学费。Schools in inner city areas are often short-staffed because the work is particularly stressful.旧城区的学校常人手短缺,因为那里的工作压力特别大。We have to revise our plans because of the delays.由于延误,我们只好修改计划。We moved here because there was very little crime.我们搬到这里来是因为这里的犯罪率很低。The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions.战争因军火短缺而失败了。It is a category mistake to talk about a research programme as being falsified, because only theories can be falsified - research programmes can at most be discredited.如果认为研究项目可以被证明是虚假的,这就犯了一种范畴错误,因为只有理论可能是虚假的,研究项目只能被推翻其可信度。If you ignore her message because you don't like the way she presents it, you will be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.如果你因为不喜欢她那种呈现信息的方式而不理睬她提供的信息,那么你就是良莠不分一起抛。We feel very privileged because we get a year off work with full pay.我们感到非常荣幸因为我们有一年的全薪假期。Retail sales dipped last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.上个月零售额下降了,主要是因为美国人购车量减少了。He is by no means a good businessman because he cannot see beyond his nose.他根本谈不上是位精明的生意人,他总是鼠目寸光。The little boy made a scene because his mother wouldn't buy him candy.这个小男孩当众大吵大闹,因为他妈妈不给他买糖果。The case has gripped the public because of the celebrities involved.因为涉及到名人,该案件吸引了公众的注意力。Their chances of survival are greatly diminished because of their poor health.由于身体不好,他们的生存机会大大减少。We hold her for the murder of Petitjean, who discovered the truth because the girl's a bad actress.我们拘留了谋杀珀蒂让的女子,珀蒂让因她骗术拙劣发现真相。The boy was unhappy because he thought he was friendless.这个男孩自认为没有朋友,所以闷闷不乐。The family had to be moved because of an attack on their home.这家人在住处遭受袭击后,只好举家迁往别处。I don't let him have sweet fizzy drinks because they tend to make him hyper.我不让他喝甜味的汽水饮料,因为常会让他变得亢奋。I think he felt discouraged because of all the criticism he'd received.我觉得他挨了那么多批评已经心灰意冷了。Japan's banks are in trouble because of bad loans and the stock market plunge.日本银行因呆账和股市暴跌而陷入困境。The teams kicked off late because of crowd trouble.由于观众闹事,球队开球晚了。I used to visit a speech therapist every week because I had a stammer.我以前有口吃,每个星期都要去看言语治疗师。The airline halved its overseas service because of a sharp reduction in traffic.该航空公司因运输量骤降而削减了一半的海外业务。Some students lose marks simply because they don't read the question properly.有些学生丢分只是因为没有看清楚题目。The other kids were always ragging on me because I wasn't good at sports.因为体育不好,其他孩子总是嘲笑我。I never buy my gifts until Christmas Eve because I'm a procrastinator.我真是有拖延症,从来都是在圣诞前日才买礼物。We called a repairman because the washing machine was on the blink.我们打电话请修理工,因为洗衣机坏了。He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling.他拒绝了这份工作,因为出差太频繁了。I'm feeling hard done-by because I've been taking care of the kids all week and Steve's been out every night.整整一周我都在看孩子,而史蒂夫每晚都出去玩,我觉得不公平。The young man blew his brains out because of a failed love affair.这个年轻人因为失恋而用枪击爆头部自杀。I must go because I don't want John to worry. Not to mention the fact that I need to go to bed early tonight.我必须得走,因为我不想让约翰担心。更何况我今晚还真得早点休息。Annie felt slighted because she hadn't been invited to the meeting.因为没被请去开会,安妮感觉受到了轻视。




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