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例句 Some of the kids were poking fun at Judy because of the way she was dressed.其中有些孩子在嘲笑朱迪的打扮。Although there was evidence against her, she walked free because of an illegal search by the police.尽管有证据指控她,但由于警方的一次非法搜查,她被无罪释放了。Time off work because of sickness is paid at the full rate.病休期拿全额工资。He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife.他不和母亲说话,因为她和自己前妻关系友好。The victim has not been identified because of the sensitive nature of the case.由于案件的敏感性,未明确指出被害者身份。Our key player has been sidelined because of injury, so I want everybody to step up.我们的主将受伤退场了,所以我要每一个人更拼。The factory is recalling all the cars because of a problem with the brakes.厂家因刹车问题正召回所有汽车。The company's hands are tied because of government regulations.政府的法规束缚了那家公司的手脚。According to legend, more than one person came to a bad end because of her.据传,不止一个人因为她而不得善终。These debates have been successful, mostly because of well-chosen speakers and lively topics.这些辩论之所以成为了一个成功的系列,主要是因为辩论发言人是经过精挑细选的,而且辩论话题生动有趣。Their language is particularly difficult to learn because of its subtle shading of tone and emphasis.他们的语言因为音调和重音上的细微变化而特别难学。The city is advantaged because of its proximity to many fine schools and museums.该城因附近有许多高水平的学校和博物馆而得益不少。They received a windfall because of the tax cuts.由于减税,他们得到了一笔意外之财。There was a traffic backup for miles on the road because of the accident.受事故影响,拥堵在路上的车辆长达数英里。The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.比赛因天气不好而延期到第二天进行。Our company has to liquidate its assets because of financial insolvency.因为周转不灵,公司只好清算资产。That teacher is popular with students because of his sense of fair play.那位教师公正无私,所以受到学生们的爱戴。The shelter remains open in large part because of help from volunteers.收容所能继续开放主要是因为志愿者的帮助。The airlines are lowering their prices because of an overcapacity of seats.航空公司由于席位过剩而降低票价。The men claim they have been victimized because of their political activity.那些男子声称他们因为自己的政治活动受到了迫害。He had to retire because of ill health.他因为健康问题不得不退休。She felt she had not been given the job because of her colour.她觉得没能得到那份工作是因为自己的肤色。The children had to be taken into care because of parental failure.这些孩子因为父母无力监护而被福利院收养。The northbound lane is closed because of an accident.北行的车道因发生事故已经封闭。She left the Church because of its misogynist teachings on women and their position in society.她离开教会是因为它那套敌视女性并贬低女性社会地位的说教。Our departure was delayed because of bad weather.由于天气不好,我们的出发时间推迟了。The plan ravelled because of the accident.事故打乱了计划。The trip was scrapped because of a lack of support.因为缺少支持,这次旅行被取消。They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.他们一直不愿意接收艾滋病人,部分原因是无根据地害怕被接触传染。I refuse to stand by and see the company allowed to run aground because of one woman's wilfulness.我不会袖手旁观,眼看公司因为一个女人的一意孤行而触礁。The boss ate out her because of her poor work.因她工作太差,老板骂了她一顿。Classes have been cancelled today because of a staff meeting.因为有全体教工会议,今天的课取消了。A robin is easy to identify because of its red breast.知更鸟因其胸脯是红色的很容易辨认。I made bad time because of the detour.由于绕道,我在路上花的时间比预计的多。 Large companies have an advantage because of their well-known brand names.大公司因拥有知名的商标而占得优势。The area is extremely isolated because of the hills that surround it.这个地区被群山环抱,因此与外面隔绝。You believe the world to be worse off because of his death.你认定他一死这世界会变得更糟糕。All those problems because of one little mistake!所有这些问题都是因为一个小差错!Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks.因为有暗礁,在这条河上航行很困难。They packed up at nine o'clock in the morning because of rain.因为下雨,他们上午九点就不干活了。




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