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词汇 克雷格
例句 Craig was always quick at maths, but he had trouble with reading and writing.克雷格学数学反应总是很快,但他在阅读和写作上却有困难。When Lucy became frigid Craig felt unloved.当露西开始讨厌做爱时,克雷格感到她不爱自己了。You would have thought the school would do more to help a child like Craig.你本来以为学校会做更多的事去帮助像克雷格这样的孩子。Craig marched up to the door and rang the bell.克雷格走到门口,按响了门铃。Just the thought of saying goodbye to Craig brought tears to her eyes.一想到要和克雷格分手她就哭了。I'm sure Craig's old enough to catch a train into town without coming to any harm.我相信克雷格已经长大,可以自己乘火车进城而不会有事的。I watched every game of the World Cup and Craig was the pick of the bunch.我看了世界杯的每场比赛,克雷格是其中的佼佼者。In a sudden paroxysm of rage, Craig hurled it across the room.克雷格突然勃然大怒,把它猛力扔到房间另一端。Craig elbowed me aside roughly.克雷格粗鲁地用肘把我挤到旁边。After finishing school, Craig felt he needed a break from studying.毕业后,克雷格认为自己需要休息一下再去深造。He knew he was in with a shout of making Craig Brown's squad for Japan.他明白自己有望为日本建成克雷格·布朗之队。Craig saw lines of pain etched around her mouth.克雷格看见她痛得嘴角直抽搐。Craig finds escape in dreams.克雷格在睡梦中获得解脱。Craig adored Jane and would sing her praises to anyone who would listen.克雷格深深地爱着简,他向每一个愿意倾听的人表达自己对她的赞美之情。Is this fair? Well, I put that question today to Deputy Counsel Craig Gillen.这公平吗?我今天向副顾问克雷格·吉伦提出这个问题。Craig was standing in the kitchen in his shorts.克雷格穿着短裤衩站在厨房里。Mr Craig should get his facts straight before making false allegations.克雷格先生作出错误指控之前应当先弄清事实。We've had to cut down a lot since Craig lost his job - it's been very hard for us.克雷格失业以后,我们不得不节俭许多—日子过得很艰难。I didn't want to go to the prom with Craig.我不想和克雷格一起参加学年末的舞会。Craig doesn't have a car as a part of his anti-consumerist stance.克雷格没有汽车,这是他反消费主义立场的一种体现。I didn't hesitate about working with Craig.克雷格一起工作,我没有顾虑。Craig shinned down the rope to where we were standing.克雷格从绳子上爬下来到我们站的地方。We need to do something about Craig, but he's so stubborn I just know he wouldn't listen if we tried to talk to him.我们得管管克雷格了,可是他很倔,我知道如果试图和他谈的话,他是不会听的。Craig hated the idea of her going away.克雷格不愿意她离开。Better leave Craig – he's dead to the world.最好别打扰克雷格 — 他睡得正熟。Gwyn's children, Craig and Laura, are thrilled with the new arrival.格温的两个孩子克雷格和劳拉因为新添的宝宝而兴奋不已。Noelle and Craig are fraternal twins.诺埃尔和克雷格是异卵双胞胎。Craig was a younger and more virile version of his father.克雷格是他父亲的变体,但是更年青,更有阳刚之气。The goal was cancelled out just before half-time by Craig McLurg.中场还没到,比分就被克雷格·麦克勒格扳平了。




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