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词汇 免不了
例句 I had travelled so there wasn't as great a culture shock as there might have been, but there was some confusion.我经常四处旅游,所以文化冲击没有预期中来得大,但是困惑是免不了的。That country is in for a prolonged period of instability.那个国家免不了要经历一个漫长的动荡时期。He could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags.他一开口就免不了用上这个或那个用惯了的词语。Restructuring will inevitably entail compromises.重组免不了要有一些妥协。I don't smoke ordinarily, but it's a necessary evil when I'm in a bad mood.我一般不吸烟,但心境不好的时候知道有害也免不了要吸。In every profession there are slings and arrows to contend with.从事任何职业都免不了要与无妄之灾抗争。Drinking too much is almost incidental to bartending.当酒吧侍者几乎免不了饮酒过度。Once the shysters get involved, you can be sure we'll end up in court.奸诈的律师一旦牵涉进来,那就可以肯定我们免不了要上法庭了。Every man has to face his Everest some time during his life.每人在一生中都免不了面临最困难的时刻。No one can avoid lines and wrinkles as they get older.人年纪大了免不了长皱纹。You can't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it.免不了会心存偏见,倒不如坦然承认。We all do foolish things at one time or another. 有时我们都免不了做些傻事。As expected, the new computer network has had its share of gremlins. 这是意料之中的,新的计算机网络也免不了出故障。He sealed his fate by mouthing off at the official.他和那位官员顶嘴,免不了要遭殃。He cannot see injustice without heating.他看到不平免不了要气愤。Of course players get injured sometimes. It comes with the territory.当然,选手有时会受伤,这是免不了的。Britain cannot avoid being under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, whether it wants to or not.不管愿不愿意,英国都免不了要处于美国的核保护伞之下。Nina could never escape the inevitable comparisons that people made between her and her twin.尼娜总是免不了让别人把她和她的孪生妹妹作比较。It looks like we're in for a spell of rainy weather.看起来我们免不了要有一段时间的阴天了。Britain cannot avoid being under the US nuclear umbrella, whether it wants to or not.不管愿不愿意,英国都免不了要处于美国的核保护伞之下。Victoria can't walk down the street without someone recognizing her.维多利亚走在街上时总免不了被人认出来。The incident showed that their leaders were not immune to corruption.这一事件表明,他们的领导人免不了会腐败。




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