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词汇 克隆
例句 The process allowed Scottish scientists to clone the sheep named Dolly.这方法使苏格兰科学家能克隆出那头名叫多利的羊。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical?克隆人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。Are we ready to face the brave new world of human cloning?我们准备好去面对人类克隆这一新生事物了吗?It is only a matter of time before we are able to clone human beings.克隆人类只是时间上的事。It could soon be technically possible to produce a human being by cloning.克隆人类在技术上很快将成为可能。Scientists have already cloned a sheep.科学家们已经克隆出一只羊。The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍然属于科幻小说的范畴。The issue of organ cloning has given rise to some disagreement among doctors.克隆器官的问题在医生中引起了一些意见分歧。Do you think scientists should clone humans?你认为科学家应该克隆人类吗?These plants are all clones of the same original plant.这些植物都是同一株植物的克隆体。I don't want to get into the technicalities of genetic cloning.我不想陷进基因克隆的那些术语之中。They intend to introduce legislation to prevent human cloning.他们打算引入立法来阻止人类克隆The dilemma over human cloning lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing society.人类克隆的两难处境本质上是社会面临的伦理选择问题。Examination of the resected colon confirmed Crohn's colitis.对切除的结肠进行检查,证实病人患有克隆氏结肠炎。They were the first to clone a sheep from adult cells.他们是首批用成熟的细胞克隆出绵羊的人。This substance has now been cloned by molecular biologists.该物质现在已被分子生物学家克隆Experiments to try to clone human embryos have met with hostility from some sections of the public.尝试克隆人类胚胎的实验遭到了部分公众的强烈反对。There has always been an interest in genetic cloning, but never more so than in recent years.基因克隆向来引人关注,近年来更是如此。




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