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词汇 ladder
例句 We descended into the cave by a rope ladder.我们用绳梯爬下洞穴。The ladder doesn't seem very stable. 这把梯子看起来不是很稳。The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他刚抹上灰泥的天花板塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.按照迷信的说法,从梯子下走过会带来厄运。You could borrow a ladder off the people next door.你可以向隔壁邻居借个梯子。He was changing a light bulb when the ladder gave way.他在换灯泡时脚下的梯子塌倒了。Yes, I know I've got a ladder in my tights.是的,我知道我的紧身裤袜抽丝了。After years of climbing the corporate ladder, he felt he had finally arrived.在公司奋斗多年之后,他认为自己终于成功了。Her whole body began to buckle, unbalancing the ladder.她整个身体开始弯曲,使得梯子摇晃起来。He climbed slowly up the ladder.他顺着梯子慢慢向上爬。So a ladder was extemporized using a clothesline.于是就把晾衣绳临时当做了梯子来用。That ladder doesn't look safe.那架梯子看起来不安全。He leaned the ladder against the house.他把梯子斜靠在房子上。Humans are on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder.人类在进化阶梯中居于最高一级。The ladder was flat against the wall.梯子平靠在墙上。I clambered up the ladder into the hay loft.我费劲地从梯子上爬进干草棚。The doctor's assistant was up a ladder in the stockroom.医生的助手正在储藏室的梯子上。Double-check that the ladder is secure.仔细检查,确保梯子安全可靠。They move freely from one department to another as they ascend the civil service ladder.随着仕途晋升,他们可以在部门间随意调动。The eighth rung of the ladder was missing altogether.梯子的第八蹬横木完全不见了。She admired her mother's sister for moving up the social ladder.她羡慕姨妈社会地位的提升。He was hired right out of business school and started climbing the corporate ladder.他从商学院一毕业就被录用,然后开始了在公司的发展。I was standing lower down the ladder.我正站在梯子下端。This ladder is unsafe; please come down.这个梯子不安全,请下来。He overcame his fear of heights and climbed the ladder.他克服恐高症,登上了梯子。His heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。The loft ladder is easily installed.阁楼的梯子很容易就安装好了。She rested the ladder against the wall.她把梯子靠在墙上。You'll find a ladder in the equipment store.你会在设备库里找到一部梯子。He started at the bottom of the ladder and worked his way up to success.他从最低微的工作做起,发奋努力,一路升迁取得了成功。If you want Fred, he's up that ladder.如果你找弗雷德,他就在那个梯子上。She had to stand on a ladder to cut the top of the hedge.她得站在扶梯上来修剪树篱的顶端。Let's walk this heavy ladder to the other end of the room.让我们把这架笨重的梯子挪到房间的那一头去。Dad was up the ladder, repairing the roof.爸爸在梯子上修补屋顶。Make sure the ladder feels firm before you climb up.要确保梯子稳固了再爬上去。Do you think this ladder's safe? It feels a bit wobbly.你觉得这梯子安全吗?感觉有点摇摇晃晃的。The ladder was leaning against the wall.梯子斜靠在墙上。Stevens slowly worked his way up the corporate ladder.史蒂文斯慢慢地在公司晋升的阶梯上往上爬。We pulled down the ladder and climbed up into the loft.我们拉下梯子,爬上了阁楼。I'd shinny up the ladder to the hayloft.我要爬梯子登上干草棚。




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