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词汇 universities
例句 The universities were thrown open to all.各大学向所有人开放。Some universities would be forced to take more students than they wanted.有些大学将被迫超计划招生。This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更不用说受到影响的学生们了。My father has held full-time teaching posts at several universities.我父亲曾在好几所大学担任全职的教学工作。Every fall hundreds of thousands of young people matriculate in colleges and universities.每年秋季成千上万的青年考入高等院校。High costs have finally driven a number of universities up against the wall.昂贵的费用最终把一些大学推上绝境。When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.出现职位空缺时,办事处就会到各个大学去打探。Britain's universities are on a collision course with the government.英国的大学与政府有发生冲突的趋势。Some have criticized universities for their admissions policies.有人批评大学的招生政策。The maximum number of universities you can apply for is six.你最多能申请六所大学。Plans to desegregate the schools/universities met with opposition.在中学/大学中消除种族隔离的计划遇到了阻力。Most universities insist on an interview.多数大学坚持要对学生进行面试。Students at Oxbridge usually regard their fellow students at other universities as poor relations.牛津、剑桥的学生往往把其他大学的学生看成比自己低一等的大学生。She is responsible for the liaison with researchers at other universities.她负责与其他大学的研究人员联系。There is a mismatch between what universities are producing and what industry is wanting.当前,大学培养的人和产业需要之间存在差距。Adult education is run in cooperation with the extra-mural departments of the universities.成人教育是和大学对外教学部合办的。I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 我向四所大学提出申请,都录取了。We now have closer links with overseas universities.我们现在与海外的大学有了更密切的联系。Colleges and universities provide reservoirs of talent for job recruiters.高等院校为招聘者提供人才储备。The decision was a `lifesaver' for other research universities.这个决定帮助其他研究型大学解除了困境。They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.由于他们上的不是同一所大学,两人的关系便逐渐结束了。At some universities, there is a preponderance of older lecturers.在一些大学里,岁数较大的讲师占了绝大多数。The school has an impressive/strong track record of getting its students into good universities.这个学校在学生进入名牌大学方面成绩骄人。His book has become a set text in many universities.他的书已成为许多大学的指定课本。It is important to insure that universities have enough funds to carry out important research.确保大学有足够的经费来进行重大的研究工作是很重要的。Sad to say, sport is more important than academic subjects at some universities.遗憾的是,在一些大学里体育比学术科目更重要。Her books appear on lists of recommended texts in universities.她的几本书出现在大学推荐课本书目上。It's hypocritical of these universities to call their football players student-athletes.这些大学称自己的美式足球队员是学生运动员,真虚伪。We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process.我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。We brought together researchers from three different universities to work on the project.我们联合了三所大学的研究人员从事这个项目。Most universities will not accept anyone without an interview.大多数大学都不会不经面试就录取一个人。I am the vice-chancellor of the oldest of the foreign universities represented here today.我是今天在此派有代表的各外国大学中最古老的大学的副校长。Laski spent a goodly part of his lecturing life in American universities.拉斯基的教学生涯中很大一部分是在美国大学度过的。He spent most of his adult life cloistered in universities.成年后,他大部分时间都在远离尘世烦恼的大学里度过。The applicants all have doctorates from good universities.申请人全都拥有名校博士学位。Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.大学里的研究人员总是抱怨资金不足。The universities' autonomy is enshrined in their individual charters.这些大学的自主权庄严地载入了它们各自的章程。The universities have a tradition of specialized scholarship.这所大学有专攻学术的传统。How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?.大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师?He had wearied of teaching in state universities.他已经厌烦了在州立大学教书。




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