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Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness.有几个作者都假设存在普遍意识。Her experience taught her some basic/fundamental/eternal/universal truths about human nature.她的经历让她明白了一些关于人性的基本/永恒/普遍真理。His action had been greeted with almost universal disapproval.他的行动几乎遭到了一致的反对。When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?你们国家是什么时候开始赋予公民普选权的? The law of gravity is universal.引力定律适用于万物。The proposal has not met with universal agreement.这项提议未能得到全体的一致同意。She has spent her life in a search for eternal/scientific/universal verities.她毕生致力于追求永恒的/科学/普遍的真理。Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted only in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教是唯一基于全人类所共知的苦难而产生发展起来的。The result has not met universal approbation.该结果尚未获得普遍认同。Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.根据普遍管辖权规定,无论战犯嫌疑人身处何地,都可以对其进行起诉。Food, like sex, is a subject of almost universal interest.像性一样,食物几乎也是人们普遍感兴趣的话题。One way to cut spending is to move from universal benefits to means-tested ones.削减开支的一种方法是将发放普遍津贴转为根据经济状况审查发放津贴。They touched on various topics of universal interest.他们谈及人们普遍感兴趣的各种话题。The dove is a universal symbol of peace.鸽子在世界范围内都是和平的象征。The Act provided for universal free education.该法令规定了普及免费教育。There is wide/widespread/universal agreement on this issue.在这个问题上达成了广泛的一致。Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust.这些年来,她的工作获得了大家的一致钦佩和信赖。The shooting of the police officer has received universal condemnation.枪杀警察事件受到了大众的一致谴责。Nigeria committed itself to universal primary education.尼日利亚致力于实施全民初等教育。He was probably right to intuit that it was universal.他凭直觉认为它具有普遍性,也许他是正确的。The universal truth excludes all doubt.普遍真理不容任何怀疑。Football is a universal game.足球是一项全球性的运动。Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教植根于人类共知苦难的普遍经验。Television provides universal entertainment.电视提供大众化的娱乐。We communicated in a medley of foreign words and universal gestures.我们边说外语边打着通用手势进行交流。It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.这几乎是一条普遍的真理:我们在某一工作中越往上晋升,实际运用那些当初在工作中经常实践的技能的机会就越少。Even now, not every country in Europe has universal suffrage.甚至现在也不是每个欧洲国家都有普选权。This song has a universal message that everybody can relate to.这首歌有着每个人都能产生共鸣的普遍主题。Throughout her career she unselfishly devoted herself to the cause of free, universal education.她的整个职业生涯都无私地奉献给了普及免费教育的事业。Such a universal genius is hard to come by.这样的全才是很难得的。Cartoons have a universal and enduring appeal.动画片有着广泛和永恒的吸引力。The universal bogey is AIDS.艾滋病是所有人唯恐避之不及的东西。Support for the government is by no means universal.对政府的支持不可能万众一心。Perhaps it is the almost universal use of flavourings that makes it so hard to tell the products apart.或许是因为调料的使用几乎千篇一律才使得那些产品难以区分开。These practices remain universal among the islanders.这些依然是岛上居民惯常的做法。While animation has universal appeal, audiences have become increasingly insistent on high standards.动画片虽然广受欢迎,但是观众越来越苛求高标准了。The government introduced universal secondary education years ago.几年前,政府就倡导普及中等教育。Christmas Day is that universal day of piggery when we all eat more than we ever thought possible.圣诞节是全民暴饮暴食的日子,没有人会预料到自己会吃下那么多的东西。The play has attracted universal praise.这出戏得到了普遍的好评。It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。 |