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词汇 ask for
例句 If anyone asks for me, tell them I'm busy.如果有人要找我,告诉他们我很忙。Usually we ask for payment on receipt of the goods.我们通常要求对方货到付款。I always ask for a window seat when I fly.我坐飞机时,总是要个靠窗的座位。A few science boffins were asked for their opinions, but otherwise the article gave very little information.文中征询了一些科学家的意见,但除此以外这篇文章提供的信息非常少。She asked for her mail to be directed to her home address.她要求把邮件寄到她家。I asked for a room with twin beds.我要了一间有一对单人床的房间。If I were you I would simply ask for your bike back.如果我是你,我就会直接把你的自行车要回来。The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience to join him on stage.魔术师请一名观众自愿上台跟他一同表演。He asked for forgiveness of his sins.他请求宽恕他的罪孽。With remorse and shame, he asked for her forgiveness.他羞悔交加地请求她的谅解。He gave me the information I asked for straight off the reel.他滔滔不绝地向我介绍我所询问的情况。Lawyers acting for the defendant asked for her case to be adjourned while they examined new evidence.代表被告的律师要求在他们调查新证据期间暂停审理她的案子。When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative.当你被问及对目前工作的看法时,绝不要表现得消极。His pride wouldn't allow him to ask for help.他的自尊心不允许自己向别人求助。This party came up to me and asked for a light.这人朝我走来,向我借火。He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。She asked for a pardon for her crime.她请求赦免她的罪行。He asked for a large whisky and proceeded to get drunk.他要了一大杯威士忌,接着就喝醉了。Mission accomplished. I've got everything you asked for on the list.完成任务!我拿到了你列在清单上的所有东西。Take a whack at the homework, then ask for help if you need it.试试做一下作业,需要的时候请人帮忙。They offered him the salary that he asked for, but he couldn't leave it at that. 他们给了他所要求的工资,但是他的要求并非止于此。I tried to catch the waiter's eye to ask for our bill.我试图招呼服务员结账。I'll have to ask for permission to leave.我必须征得允许才能离开。He went backstage and asked for her autograph.他跑到后台向她索要签名。Why don't you ask for a raise? You never know, they could say yes.你干吗不要求加薪?谁也说不准,他们也许会同意的。If he wants to ask for a pay rise, good luck to him!如果他想要求提高薪资,那只能祝他有好运气了!We asked for their cooperation in the collection of data.我们请求与他们在数据搜集方面进行合作。I asked for names and addresses so that I might pass on details to the police.我问了姓名和地址以便把详情报告给警察。He has the cheek to ask for a rise after a week in his new job.他上工才一星期,竟厚着脸皮要加工资。Suddenly this guy waltzed in, and asked for my autograph.突然这家伙大摇大摆走进来,问我要签名。I don't ever recall her complaining. Neither did she ask for sympathy.我从不记得她有抱怨过。她也从不需要别人的同情。I asked for that particular seat because it's the one my father used to sit in.我特别要求坐那个位置,因为那是我父亲过去常坐的。She raised a finger to her lips to ask for silence.她竖起手指放到唇边示意大家安静。The boss asked for a status report.老板要一份情况报告。Iwrote in to the programme to ask for more details.我给这个节目去信询问更详细的情况。He's always reluctant to ask for anyone's help.他总是不愿意请别人帮忙。He needs to humble himself and ask for their forgiveness.他需要谦逊点,请求他们的原谅。I've especially asked for very cold champagne, so they should ice the glass.我特地要了冰冷的香槟,因此他们应该把杯子冰一下。We asked for more time but they turned us down flat.我们要求多给些时间,但他们断然拒绝了。He looked up at me with his tearful eyes and asked for help.他含着泪水抬头看着我,请求帮助。




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