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词汇 keenness
例句 When she attends interviews her natural dynamism and keenness come to the fore.一参加面试,她天生的活力与机敏就展现了出来。His eyes were of unusual keenness.他目光异常敏锐。I was enjoying the refreshing keenness of the air.我正享受着清冽的空气带来的神清气爽。What she lacks in ability she makes up for in keenness.她以自己的满腔热忱弥补了能力上的不足。He was surprised at the keenness of his appetite.他对自己食欲之强感到吃惊。His headache had departed; his every sense seemed to have gained keenness.他头不疼了,于是他的每个感官又恢复了敏锐。The keenness of the saw made cutting the board easier.锋利的锯齿使切割木板更容易。She showed a great keenness to participate.她表现出极大的参与热情。He had transmitted his keenness for horses to his offspring, who rode from an early age.他把自己对马的喜爱传给了后辈,他们小小年纪就开始骑马。He ran the tip of one finger along the blade, testing its keenness.他用指尖滑过刀刃,试试其锋利程度。




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