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词汇 inextricably
例句 The two themes are inextricably interwoven in the book.这两个主题在书中交错缠结。Religion was for her inextricably linked with life itself.宗教对她来说与生活本身密不可分。From that moment my life became inextricably bound up with hers.从那一刻起,我的生命就与她的联结在一起分不开了。Production and consumption are inextricably tied together.生产和消费密不可分。Physical health is inextricably linked to mental health.身体健康和精神健康有着密不可分的联系。For these people, land is inextricably interwoven with life itself.对这些人来说,土地与生活本身有着不可分割的密切关系。In fact, the fate of the nations of the world is more inextricably linked than ever.事实上,世界各国的命运比以往任何时候都更加紧密地联系在一起。Our lives are bound inextricably with others.我们的生活和其他人紧密地联系在一起。Economic and social history are inextricably bound up with each other.经济发展史和社会发展史密不可分。These societal changes are inextricably bound up with the development of new technologies.这些社会变迁与新技术的发展密不可分。Good is inextricably mixed with ill.好总是不可避免地同坏掺杂在一起。She was almost inextricably wedged in a groove of gentle, understanding motherhood.她几乎陷入了一种温柔体贴的传统母亲角色而无法自拔。He claims poverty is inextricably linked to poor health.他声称贫穷和疾病密不可分。In his world view, art and religion were inextricably mixed.在他的世界观中,艺术与宗教无法分开。My fate is inextricably linked to hers. = Our fates are inextricably linked.我的命运和她的牢牢地拴在一起。Naomi seemed drawn inextricably into political action.内奥米似乎被扯进了政治行动,无法脱身。The theme of exploitation is inextricably woven into the fabric of her fiction.剥削的主题被她完全融入到了小说的基本结构中。Comedy and tragedy are inextricably woven into her fiction.在她的小说中,喜剧和悲剧错综交织。Our survival is inextricably linked to the survival of the rainforest.我们的生存和雨林的生存休戚相关。Our economy is inextricably linked with America's.我们的经济和美国经济有着密不可分的关系。Self-worth is inextricably entwined with appearance.一个人的自我价值总是和外貌分不开。Poverty and crime are inextricably linked.贫穷和犯罪有着不可分割的联系。The story of their exploration is inextricably bound up with the character of the caves themselves.他们的勘探经历与这些洞穴本身的特征有着不可分割的紧密联系。




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