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词汇 inexperience
例句 Critics attacked the youth and inexperience of his staff.批评家们抨击他的员工年纪太轻,缺乏经验。The inexperience of the teaching staff has taken its toll on student test scores.教员经验不足,已经对学生的考试成绩产生了重大的影响。Because of my inexperience in the business, I think I trusted other people too much.我做生意缺乏经验,我想我是太相信别人了。You're bound to make a few mistakes through inexperience.由于缺乏经验你难免要犯一些错误。Her inexperience in politics did not show.她缺乏政治经验这一点没有表现出来。Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.这次犯错就算你没经验,别再想了。I put it down to his inexperience.我把这归因于他缺乏经验。He blames his mistakes on inexperience.他将他的错误归咎于缺乏经验。They performed poorly, but allowances should be made for their inexperience.他们演得不好,但应该体谅他们没有经验。Despite our inexperience, we gave a good account of ourselves.我们虽然经验不足,但仍表现出色。The mistake was put down to his inexperience.这次犯错是由于他缺乏经验。Her early mistakes can be chalked up to inexperience.她早先的错误可归因于经验不足。I am uncomfortably aware of my inexperience.我尴尬地意识到自己经验不足。Despite her inexperience, she made a remarkably good fist of chairing the meeting.尽管经验不足,她还是把会议主持得非常成功。You must take account of her inexperience.你必须考虑到她没有经验。She charged off the mistake to inexperience.她把错误归咎于缺乏经验。His boyish looks seemed to proclaim his inexperience.他孩子般的长相使他显得缺乏经验。He charged it up to inexperience.他把这事归因于缺乏经验。She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.她问了很多琐碎的问题,表明她缺乏经验。His inexperience militates against his getting an early promotion.缺乏经验妨碍了他提早晋升。You must take his inexperience into account.你必须考虑到他无经验而予以体谅。They made mistakes because of their inexperience.他们因为缺乏经验而犯了错误。She performed poorly, but we should make some allowance for her inexperience. = Some allowance should be made for her inexperience. 她演得不好,不过我们应该体谅她缺少经验。We must make allowances for his youth and inexperience.我们应当体谅他年轻,没有经验。




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