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Karen's baby was born six weeks early.卡伦的小孩早了六周出生。As the plane began to climb, Karen started to feel ill.飞机开始爬高,卡伦开始觉得不舒服了。Karen staggered along under the weight of her backpack.卡伦背着沉重的背包,蹒跚而行。You should talk to Karen since she's the one responsible for authorizing payments.你应该找卡伦谈谈,因为她是负责批准付款事宜的。Karen lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling.卡伦仰卧着,盯着天花板看。Paul realized that his words were having no effect; Karen was not going to change her mind.保罗意识到他的话毫无效果,卡伦是不会改变主意的。Karen complained of hyperactivity and restlessness.卡伦诉说自己有多动、焦躁不安的问题。Karen was huddled against the wall.卡伦蜷缩在墙边。I'll have to leave a note for Karen.我得给卡伦留张便条。It's no use trying to reason with Karen right now; she's in one of her moods.现在和卡伦讲道理没有用,她又在闹情绪了。Karen made him promise never to discuss the subject again.卡伦一定要他答应永远不再谈论这个话题了。Karen spent the summer reading up on the subjects she would be studying at college.这个夏天,卡伦看了许多与大学里要学的科目有关的书。Karen's main interest seemed to be to fill in the gaps in her family story.卡伦的主要兴趣似乎是补充其家史的缺失材料。Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.凯伦总觉得自己与出名的姐姐相比光彩全无。Karen goes to Daley College.卡伦上的是戴利学院。Karen called out and told us to be quiet.卡伦大声喊要我们保持安静。Steady on, Karen! You're talking about my boyfriend.慢着,卡伦!你在说我的男朋友。For once, Karen seemed unconcerned about the possibility of being late for class.只有这一次,卡伦似乎不担心上课可能迟到。Karen had been pining for her friends back home in Colorado.卡伦一直都在思念家乡科罗拉多的朋友们。Karen bunched up the paper and threw it away.卡伦把那张纸卷成一团扔掉。Karen tore his photograph to shreds.卡伦把他的照片撕得粉碎。Karen flung her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on the lips.卡伦张开双臂搂住他的脖子,深深地在他唇上吻了一下。Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.卡伦·马修斯与刘易斯·库勒斯合作完成了这个研究课题。Karen trained day and night - winning the gold medal meant everything to her.卡伦从早到晚地进行训练,赢得金牌对她来说意味着一切。Karen appeared oblivious to the uproar.卡伦好像毫未察觉到喧闹声。Karen began playing basketball when she was six.凯伦六岁时开始打篮球。Karen had seldom seen him so angry.卡伦很少见过他这么生气。Karen will be on maternity leave next month.卡伦下个月要休产假。In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year old son.卡伦·史蒂文斯说在理想的生活中,她非常愿意呆在家里照料两岁半的儿子。Karen wears a ruby quilted jacket.卡伦穿着一件深红色棉袄。My Sister's Life tells the story of the parallel lives of the two girls in the voices of both Maria and Karen.《我姐妹的一生》分别以玛丽亚和卡伦的口吻讲了两个女孩平行的人生故事。Karen sat in front of the fire and wiggled her toes.卡伦坐在火堆前扭动着脚趾。Karen let out a scream of terror, as if she had seen a ghost.卡伦发出一声惊恐的尖叫,像是见了鬼似的。Karen was a model student: hardworking, intelligent and enthusiastic.卡伦是位模范学生:刻苦、聪明又热情。As a little girl, Karen was closest to her sister Gail.在还是个小女孩的时候,卡伦同姐姐盖尔的关系最亲。Karen gives the appearance of being confident, but she isn't really.凯伦表面上很自信,其实不然。Is Karen still eating you out of house and home?卡伦还在只顾吃光你的家当吗?Karen looked out the window at the back yard.卡伦从窗口往外看后院。When he left, Karen found herself heaving a huge sigh of relief.他离去后,卡伦发现自己如释重负,长舒了一口气。Karen waved until the car was out of sight.卡伦不断挥手,直到汽车看不见了。 |