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词汇 in the trees
例句 I glanced down at the beach as we passed an opening in the trees.我们经过一块林中空地时,我往下扫了一眼海滩。I love the restful sound of the wind in the trees.我喜欢听风吹过树丛那种令人心旷神怡的声音。Birds twittered in the trees.小鸟在林间嘁嘁喳喳地叫。The wind was whispering in the trees.风在树林中飒飒作响。The birds were twittering in the trees.鸟儿在树上吱吱地叫着。They could hear the wind moaning in the trees.他们听到树林里风声呜咽。The birds in the trees are singing away.树上的小鸟在不停地歌唱。He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees.他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。The birds fluttered excitedly in the trees.鸟儿在树林中兴奋地飞来飞去。The monkeys chattered in the trees.猴子在树上唧唧叫着。Crows cawed in the trees.几只乌鸦在树上呱呱地叫。Birds sang cheerfully in the trees.鸟儿在树上欢快地歌唱。I heard some owls hooting in the trees.我听见有几只猫头鹰在树上叫。Lights had been strung in the trees of the garden.花园的树上都挂灯结彩。Birds chattered in the trees.鸟儿在树上叽叽喳喳。The monkeys scampered in the trees.猴子们在树上乱蹦乱跳地玩耍。The leaves trembled in the trees.树上的叶子瑟瑟抖动。I lay on my back, listening to the sound of the wind sighing in the trees.我仰面躺着,听着风穿过树林发出的呜咽声。The monkeys were swinging from branch to branch high up in the trees.猴群在高高的树枝间荡来荡去。Birds flitted about in the trees above them.鸟儿在他们头顶上的树梢间飞来飞去。The parrots screeched in the trees above our heads.鹦鹉在我们头顶的树丛中尖叫着。The leaves trembled in the trees.树叶瑟瑟抖动。The doves were cooing in the trees.鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣。The plan has a hitch: drilling holes for the owls in the trees will kill the trees.该计划有个障碍:为猫头鹰在树上钻洞,树会死掉的。The birds were shrieking in the trees.鸟儿在树上唧唧叫。Birds were warbling in the trees.鸟儿在树上鸣啭。I awoke to the sound of the wind in the trees.外面风吹树响把我吵醒了。He could hear the chatter of birds in the trees overhead.他可以听见鸟儿在头顶的树上叽叽喳喳的叫声。The birds were chirping in the trees.鸟儿在树上啁啾鸣叫。The monkeys in the trees aimed volleys of fruit at the tourists.树上的猴群向游人接二连三地投掷水果。He listened to the wind in the trees, his eyes closed in rapture.他倾听着风吹树林的声音,双眼紧闭,如醉如痴。The wind moaned in the trees.风在林中发出呼啸声。The birds were chorusing in the trees.鸟儿在树上齐鸣。Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.一些看不见的鸟儿在我们头顶的树上歌唱。The golf ball landed in the trees.高尔夫球掉落到了树丛里。Coloured lanterns shone softly in the trees and bushes.彩色灯笼在树丛灌木间发出柔和的光。The wind was crooning in the trees.风在树丛中萧萧作响。All was silent but for the sound of the wind in the trees.万籁俱寂,只有风吹树动发出沙沙的声音。The wind murmured and sighed in the trees.风儿在林间轻声叹息。A few birds were tweeting in the trees.几只小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳地叫着。




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