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词汇 in the street
例句 I found a purse in the street.我在大街上捡到一只皮夹子。The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.老妇跌倒在大街上,摔坏了腿。A disturbance in the street distracted my attention.街上的一阵骚乱分散了我的注意力。My audience certainly isn't the proverbial man in the street.我的观众当然不是大街上平平常常的普通人。Please don't drop sweet-wrappers in the street.请勿在街上乱丢糖果包装纸。The police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman.在找到持枪歹徒之前,警察得彻底搜查街上的每幢房子。Two men were fighting in the street outside.外面街上两个男人在打架。An old guy come up to me in the street and asked for a dime for coffee.在街上有个老家伙走到我面前,求我给他一角钱买咖啡。·A duck wiggled in the street.一只鸭子扭动着身子在路上走。He was arrested for humbugging in the street.他因涉嫌在街上行骗而被拘捕。A man came up to me in the street and offered to sell me some black market cigarettes.街上有个男人走上来向我兜售黑市香烟。My attention was led away by the disturbance in the street.街上的骚动转移了我的注意力。He uncovered his head when he met his boss in the street.在街上遇到老板时他脱帽致敬。The advertising industry has to know exactly what the man in the street is thinking.广告界必须要明确知道一般人心里所想。They stood in the street throwing insults at each other.他们站在街上相互辱骂。A couple was having a stand-up row in the street.一对夫妇正在街上大吵大闹。He was stooging about in the street last night.昨晚上他一直在街上闲荡。The car's tires bit loudly on the rutted snow in the street.汽车轮子碾入街道上布满车辙的雪里,发出很大的声响。Somewhere in the street tyres were squealing.街道上的某个地方轮胎在发出长长的嘎吱声。Her handbag was snatched from her in the street.她走在街上手提包被人抢了。A stranger accosted me in the street.一个陌生人在街上跟我搭讪。Most of the houses in the street are alarmed.这条街上的大部分房子都装有警报器。Any one loitering at midnight in the street must be up to no good.凡是半夜在街上闲逛的人肯定都没想干好事。It was moisting when we were in the street.我们在街上时正下着毛毛雨。He often hawked toothpastes in the street during the vacations.上大学期间每逢放假,他便在大街上沿街兜售牙膏。Children can't play in the street these days - the traffic's too bad.现在孩子们都不能在街上玩了—车来车往太可怕了。A couple were arguing out in the street.一对夫妇在街上争吵。A friend found the girl in the street in a distressed state.有一个朋友看到那个女孩在街上,精神状态很痛苦。That dirty old house is an offence to everyone who lives in the street.那所肮脏的老房子使住在那条街上的人都感到讨厌。A solitary light shone in the street.街上只亮着孤零零的一盏灯。They found themselves being mobbed in the street for autographs.他们发现自己被人群围堵在大街上索要签名。An angry multitude collected in the street.街道上聚集了一大群愤怒的人。The old man was falling about in the street.老人在街上踉跄而行。It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.看到人们在大街上乱扔垃圾,我非常生气。He gets hassled in the street because he dresses funny.因为他穿着可笑,所以在街上屡遭凌辱。A man walked up to me in the street.在街上一个男人朝我走了过来。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.小贩在街上叫卖货物。Her cap fell off in the street and blew away.她的帽子掉在大街上,被风吹走了。The City Council issued an edict against spitting in the street.市议会颁布法令禁止随地吐痰。It's not respectable to get drunk in the street.在大街上喝得醉醺醺是有失体统的。




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