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例句 War would redound on the winner's head just as cruelly as on the loser's.战争反过来给胜利者造成和失败者同样惨重的打击。Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.克罗斯简要地叙述了事情的经过,把当时发生的情况一五一十地说了一遍。She fell by just as we were going out.我们刚要出门时,她突然来访。I thought New York was expensive, but it costs just as much to live here in Paris.我以为纽约的生活费用很高,但现在住在巴黎花钱也一样多。The car must break down just as we were going on our holiday.我们正要出去度假,偏偏汽车坏了。She came back with a remark just as cutting.她也用同样刻薄的语言回敬。Aunt Lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak.爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。An absolute ruler can do just as he pleases.一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。It started to rain just as our team was going in to bat.刚轮到我们队击球就下起了雨。It would be just as well to check that they've arrived.不如核查一下他们是否已经到达。I dried up just as I was about to talk, even though I had been preparing the speech for weeks.我正要开始讲话却忘了该怎么说,尽管这次讲话我已准备了好几个星期。The cheaper drugs are just as effective in treating arthritis.较便宜的药品对治疗关节炎同样有效。For the little extra it'll cost, we might just as well stay for another night.只需多花一点儿钱,我们完全可以再住一晚。He worked just as hard as anyone.他和所有人一样非常努力。I came just as soon as I heard the news.我一听到这个消息就赶来了。These children are just as comfortable tapping away on their tablets as they are digging in the sandpit.这些孩子玩起平板电脑来跟挖沙坑一样熟练。The fish tasted just as good as it looked.这鱼看起来诱人,吃起来也很好。He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.他无疑是一名画家,就如同伦勃朗或任何其他一流的肖像画家一样。It's just as well we have neighbours who don't mind noise.幸好我们的邻居不介意噪声。Less expensive machines are just as good or even better.便宜些的机器也一样好,甚至还更好。They left just as day was breaking. 天刚破晓他们便离开了。Josie opened the door just as I was ringing the bell.正在我按门铃时,乔西把门打开了。Jacques launched into a long-winded explanation that left us just as confused as before.雅克开始唠唠叨叨地解释了一大堆话,我们听后仍不知所云。I'll buy it back just as soon as I rustle some cash.我一弄到一些现金,就要把它买回来。I'd just as soon you didn't drive the car while I'm gone.我倒希望我不在的时候你不要开车。Violence in the home is a crime, just as much as violence from a stranger.家庭暴力同陌生人暴力行为一样,都是犯罪。She swans in and out of the office just as she pleases.她在办公室随意地晃进晃出。She's just as clever as you.她和你一样机灵。I love this country just as much as you do.我和你一样热爱这个国家。She'd just as soon throw your plate in your face as serve you.她宁可把盘子砸到你脸上也不愿伺候你。They say school is just as important for teaching children social codes and conventions as for teaching math.他们说学校教给孩子各种社会准则和规范与教数学同样重要。Then just as we reached the tube entrance, I got a shock.然后当我们刚到地铁入口处时,我大吃了一惊。The taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone on the bus.出租者开得那么慢,我们当时还不如乘公共汽车呢。The whole conference went off just as we had planned.整个会议正按照我们的计划进行。It's just as well I kept some money aside for emergencies.幸好我留了些钱应急。The recipe works just as well if you cook the fish in the microwave.如果把鱼放在微波炉里烧,也能用这种烧法。It started snowing just as we were setting out.我们正要出发时,天开始下雪了。We grabbed it just as it was about to tip over.我们在它就要翻倒时把它抓住了。Exercise is just as important to health as good food.锻炼与合理膳食对健康同等重要。The exhaust pipe fell off the car just as we were leaving, and after that it was just one disaster after another!我们正要离开时车子的排气管掉了,然后灾祸就接二连三地发生了!




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