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词汇 怎么弄
例句 Where did that stain on the carpet come from?地毯上的那块污渍是怎么弄上的?I'd like to know how she came by that black eye.我想知道她眼眶又青又肿是怎么弄的。I don't know what I did, but I somehow messed up the computer.我也不知道是怎么弄的,反正我把电脑鼓捣坏了。How did you get your hands so gummy?你的手怎么弄得这么黏糊?How did you bruise your arm?你胳膊上的瘀伤是怎么弄的?I don't know what she did, but she managed to break the sewing machine.我不懂她是怎么弄的,她竟然把缝纫机弄坏了。How did you manage to get into this mess in the first place?首先你是怎么弄到如此狼狈的?How did you get that mark on your shirt?你衬衣上的污渍是怎么弄的?How did you come by such a beautiful house?你是怎么弄到这么漂亮的房子的?Where/how did you get that bruise on your leg?你腿上的瘀伤是在哪儿碰的/怎么弄的?How did you come by that cheque?.你是怎么弄到那张支票的?How did the floor get so dirty?地板怎么弄得这样脏?How did this spoon get bent?这汤匙是怎么弄弯的?




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