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词汇 jokes
例句 He tried to jolly everyone up by making jokes.他说了好几个笑话,想让每个人都高兴起来。Steve always manages to get a rise out of me with his racist jokes.史蒂夫一讲他那些种族歧视的笑话我准会恼火。His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.他讲的笑话似乎是即兴的,但实际上是事先精心准备好的。Bob tried to liven things up by telling some of his jokes.鲍勃讲了几个笑话,想活跃气氛。The children all laughed at his jokes.孩子们听了他的笑话都笑起来。His jokes all fell flat.他的那些笑话都不好笑。They howled with laughter at their own jokes.他们说着自己的笑话,纵声大笑。This is no time for jokes.现在不是开玩笑的时候。He likes telling jokes and being the centre of attention at parties.他喜欢讲笑话,成为派对上的焦点。This is a serious matter. I wish you wouldn't make jokes about it.这是件很严肃的事情,我希望你不要拿它开玩笑。None of my carefully-prepared jokes managed to raise a laugh.我精心准备的笑话没有一个能引大家发笑。There was sycophantic laughter from the audience at every one of his terrible jokes.他每讲一个糟糕透顶的笑话,听众都发出谄媚的笑声。Lyle was always playing cruel jokes on his little sister.莱尔老是跟妹妹开恶毒的玩笑。His talk was sugared with funny jokes.他的讲话中搀进了一些有趣的笑话。He had slipped in a few jokes to liven the speech up.他穿插了几个笑话来活跃演讲的气氛。Richard's jokes make you groan rather than laugh.理查德的笑话让人发冷而不是发笑。He cracked jokes and talked about beer and girls.他爱说笑话,喜欢谈论啤酒和姑娘。The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes.那些女人听了一些下流的笑话后粗俗地大笑。Men make jokes about women drivers, but women have the last laugh – their insurance rates are cheaper.男人嘲笑女司机,但是最后获胜的却是女人 — 她们的保费更低。His name has already made him the butt of many jokes.他的名字已使他成为许多笑话的嘲笑对象。The rest of us are fairly mortified at jokes made at the bloke's expense.拿这个家伙开玩笑让我们其余的人都感到很尴尬。He doesn't appreciate the crudeness of their jokes.他不喜欢他们讲的笑话中粗俗的内容。Louis kept making jokes at his wife's expense.路易斯不断地嘲笑妻子。Although his jokes were a little lewd, he always made us laugh.虽然他的笑话有点下流,但是总能让我们发笑。It was a terrible play, redeemed only by a few good jokes.这部戏非常糟糕,唯一可取的是有几个笑话还不错。She seemed greatly amused by his jokes.她似乎被他的笑话逗得很开心。The jokes were lost on me. 我没听懂那些笑话。The audience laughed at her jokes.观众被她的笑话逗乐了。At school the other kids always made jokes about my name.在学校里其他小孩老是拿我的名字开玩笑。There is no room for jokes and smart remarks.现在顾不上开玩笑或说些俏皮话。The only jokes I tell are the ones that I hear from you.我仅说的几个笑话都是从你这里听来的。He was the class clown: he was always playing practical jokes on teachers.他是班上的活宝,一天到晚对老师搞恶作剧。His jokes usually go over like a lead balloon.他说的笑话人家听了往往不感到好笑。Only clean jokes, please. There are children here.请只讲文明的笑话,有孩子们在。He is the kind of person who digs jokes.他是那种善于领会笑话含义的人。This sounds like the setup to one of your jokes.这听起来像是你的笑话的一个铺垫。His large ears were the butt of many jokes.人们常拿他这对大耳朵开玩笑。He loves telling stories/jokes.他喜欢讲故事/说笑话。His jokes are often about the darker side of life.他的笑话经常是关于生活黑暗面的。He perks up and jokes with them.他很活跃,还和他们开玩笑。




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