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词汇 Access
例句 Access is only given to authorized personnel.未经授权的人士不得进入。Access to the files is limited to management.只有管理层才能接触这些文件。Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis.进入生产过程是严格按照需要知晓原则来执行的。Access to this remote uninhabited Himalayan mountain is via high snow-covered passes.进入这座渺无人烟的喜马拉雅山,要经过一道道白雪覆盖的高峻山口。Access to capital is often the number-one problem for many entrepreneurs.获取资本往往是许多企业家面临的头号问题。Access International books standby flights from New York to Europe.全球通达公司可以预订从纽约到欧洲的剩余机票。Access is by means of a door at the back of the stage.入口就是舞台后面的一扇门。Access to the site is closely controlled.进入该地点受到严格的控制。The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务。Access is restricted to the elderly.只有老年人可进入。Access was via a narrow archway.通道入口是一道狭窄的拱门。Access to higher education has been unduly restricted for people with disabilities.残疾人接受高等教育的权利受到了过度的限制。Access to this information varies by social class.获取这一信息的途径因社会阶层的不同而变化。Access to the documents remains restricted to civil servants.这些文件仍仅限公务员使用。Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.只有高级管理层才有权接触到这些文件。Access to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to this excursion.摆渡进入公园使这一游览活动更有吸引力。Access to justice is a basic right.享有司法公正是一项最基本的权利。Access to the Internet is fast becoming a necessity.使用因特网不久就会变得必不可少。Access to the restrooms is through the foyer.去洗手间要穿过门厅。Access for wheelchair users is now available.针对轮椅使用者的入口现在已经可以使用了。Access to the President is restricted.总统不能随便接近。Access to this information is severely restricted.这一信息的使用受到极严格的限制。Access to the kitchen is from the rear.厨房是从后面进入的。




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