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词汇 groundless
例句 Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.事实证明,对全球燃料即将耗尽的担忧是毫无根据的。Mr Kay's lawyer said the accusations were groundless.凯先生的律师称这是无端的指控。My fears turned out to be groundless.结果证明我的担心毫无根据。Most of Nigel's worries proved groundless.奈杰尔的大部分担心被证明是毫无根据的。The allegations were completely groundless.这些指控完全是无稽之谈。I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless.我可以很有把握地说这种谣言完全没有根据。The judge dismissed the case, claiming the charges against him were groundless.法官驳回了案件,称对他的控告没有根据。They dismissed his accusations as groundless.他们认为他的指控毫无根据,因而不作处理。Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed.弗勒里说我们的恐惧是毫无必要的,尽管他自己也暗暗担忧。The accusation against him was groundless.对他的控告是没有根据的。A ministry official described the report as groundless.一位部级官员称这篇报道纯属子虚乌有。The groundless accusations about him put him in disrepute internationally.对他无根据的指控使他在国际上名誉扫地。A message from Interpol confirmed that our Inspector's suspicions were far from groundless.国际刑警组织发来消息,证实了我们巡官的怀疑不是完全没有道理的。I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless.我可以肯定地说这样的谣言完全没有根据。Our fears proved totally groundless.事实证明,我们的担心是完全没有根据的。I'm afraid your fears are groundless.你的恐惧恐怕没有什么根据。His fears might be groundless.他的担心也许毫无根据。




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