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词汇 ash
例句 He flipped the ash off his cigarette.他用手指弹掉了烟灰。The cloud of radioactive ash mushroomed from the atomic bomb.原子弹爆炸时放射性尘埃形成的云呈蘑菇状升腾He dusted an ash that had fallen into his lap.他掸去落在膝上的一点烟灰。Soda ash is a key component in glass-making.苏打灰是制造玻璃的主要成分。A trail of smoke snaked upward from the ash.一缕烟从灰堆袅袅升起。He flicked an ash at an ashtray nearby, but it missed.他把灰轻轻弹向近旁的烟灰缸,但弹偏了。The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.尸体埋在细灰中腐败速度很慢。The town lay under a thick layer/blanket of ash.这个小镇蒙上了厚厚的一层灰烬。He stubbed out his cigarette and shook an ash off his coat-sleeve.他捻熄了纸烟,抖去衣袖上一抹烟灰。He brushed the cigarette ash from his sleeve.他拂去袖子上的烟灰。The rafters are made from ash.椽子是用梣木做的。Much of the mountain consists of volcanic ash, long since hardened to jagged rock.山上多处地方是火山灰,久而久之变硬形成了嶙峋的岩石。This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.这种材料有多种叫法:灰、煤渣、炉渣或矿渣。Fine ash covered the hill near the volcano.火山附近的山覆盖上了一层细细的火山灰。Tons of ash erupted from the volcano.成吨的灰烬从火山中喷发了出来。Each pile of gray ash was the remains of a house.每一堆灰色的灰烬都是一幢房子的遗迹。With a flick of his wrist he removed the ash from the end of his cigarette.他手腕轻轻一抖,把烟灰从香烟头上抖了下来。The volcano spewed hot ash.火山喷出了炽热的灰。She flicked an ash into the ashtray.她将烟灰弹到烟灰缸里。Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today.云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。A cloud of ash rose from the volcano.火山上升腾起一个灰团。A dark snow of fag-ash stank the place out.掉落的黑烟灰使这个地方充满了难闻的气味。She tapped ash from her cigarette.她轻轻弹掉香烟上的灰。The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.火山又向空中喷出了大量岩浆和火山灰。The ship was showered with hot ash from the volcano.这艘船上落满了滚烫的火山灰。The Romans made use of volcanic ash to produce concrete.罗马人利用火山灰制造混凝土。He flicked a speck of cigarette ash off his sleeve.他拂去衣袖上的一点烟灰。He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray.他把烟头掐灭在烟灰缸里。The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.在一层烟尘的笼罩之下,公园和广场显得阴沉沉的。She flicked the ash off her cigarette.她轻轻把烟灰弹去。The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.火山爆发使蒙大拿这么远的州也蒙上了一层薄薄的火山灰。Jack had sawn off the broken ash bough.杰克已把白蜡树的断枝锯掉。She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.她让长长的烟灰留在烟头上。Papa flicked the ash from his cigar.爸爸弹去雪茄烟上的烟灰。The mountain ash has red fruits.花楸结红色果实。She sat there, flicking ash into the ashtray.她坐在那里,把烟灰弹入烟灰缸。With his spear of ash Gungnir and his marvellous ring Draupnir he ruled Asgard.靠着他神树灰制成的长枪冈尼尔和神戒德罗普尼尔,他统治着阿斯加德。Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.气象卫星已观测到一圈火山灰围绕着地球。The bandy used is a curved ash stick.使用的球棍是一根弯曲的梣木棍。Many buildings collapsed under the weight of the ash.许多建筑物在泥灰的重压下都倒塌了。




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