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Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。We watered down the wine so as to eke it out for the remainder of the evening.我们在酒里搀了水,以便晚上剩下的时间里有东西喝。My job is to sort the wheat from the chaff so as to make life easier for the adjudicators.我的工作是理出有用的信息,使审判官的工作更轻松。The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating.田径运动联合会为防止作弊推行了更严格的规定。They must reduce the books price so as to bring them within the reach of all students.他们必须降低书价使所有学生都买得起书本。Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.我们的一贯做法是,将办公室所在的楼房卖掉,同时又租回来以便腾出大量的资金。Eden's game was to play footsie with Chamberlain and Halifax so as to get back into the Cabinet.艾登的计划是暗中勾结张伯伦和哈利法克斯,以期重新进入内阁。They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.他们使帆成为逆风向以便在暴风中保持既定航道。He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.他将大桶倾侧倒空。He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.他大量阅读以便了解欧洲思想史。They arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the best seats.他们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到最好的座位。Please address your letters properly so as to reduce delays.请正确书写信件地址以减少延误。The day was dark, so as to make a good photograph hard to get.天色很暗,拍一张好照片好难。We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.我们割地里的牧草以给牛提供饲料。They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal.他们回收空罐头盒以利用其金属。What's worse, they will be dystrophic so as to affect body development.更糟糕的是,他们会营养不良,这样一来,会影响身体发育。Others were wounded, agonizing for hours in silence so as to not betray their mission by revealing their presence.其他人则受了伤,在疼痛中默默忍受数小时,为的是不暴露自己,不泄露所执行的任务。Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.为了便于复习,学生应该记笔记。Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices.肯普大声敲着,好让人们在一片高声喧嚷中听到他的声音。We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.我们正在与有关单位联系,以便尽快解决问题。My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.我父亲的企业在亏损,他抵押了所有资产试图挽救它。I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep flies off it.我总是把水果放在冰箱里,以防虫子叮咬。His films were always paced so as to create maximum suspense.他的电影一般都安排得很紧凑,以制造最大的悬念。The two girls dropped back so as to be alone.两个姑娘落在后面,以便单独呆在一起。A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传遍大厅。He turned aside so as to avoid meeting her.为了避开她,他转向一边。Merchants had already begun hoarding so as to force prices up again.商人们已经开始囤积货物,打算再次抬高价格。We rushed through the last few design drawings so as to go home early.我们赶紧把最后几份设计图纸搞完以便早点回家。How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.想让我们的生活步调保持一致好一起去度假和过周末几乎是不可能的事。He defended himself so as to prove his innocence.他为自己辩护,以证清白。A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传到大厅的每一个角落。The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball.这位球员只好后退让过对方,以便有向前传球的空间。They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.他们把地里的草割下来以便给牛提供饲料。We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.我们争分夺秒以期按时完成生产计划。We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.试题必须保密,以防作弊。 |