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词汇 jealous
例句 Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings.道格拉斯经常被嫉妒他的兄弟姐妹整得很惨。I have a sneaking feeling that he's jealous.我隐约感觉他有些嫉妒。I expect some of your colleagues will be jealous.我想你的一些同事会妒忌的。I can't imagine my wife making me jealous.我无法想象妻子会让我心生猜忌。My girlfriend gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使只看别的女人一眼,我的女友也会吃醋。She became increasingly possessive and jealous.她的占有欲和忌妒心变得越来越强。He has always been very jealous of his privacy.他向来看重自己的隐私。Joe was jealous of the closeness between his mother and his younger brother.乔嫉妒他母亲和弟弟之间的亲密关系。She was jealous of his wealth.她忌妒他的富有。We are jealous of our hard-won freedom.我们珍惜得来不易的自由。She started flirting with other guys to try to make him jealous.她开始和其他男人眉来眼去,想让他吃醋。I can remember feeling madly jealous when he was with other women.记得他和别的女人在一起时,我嫉妒得发疯。If she was jealous, she did not show it.即便她很嫉妒,她也没有表现出来。She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.她妒忌得发疯,然后大吵了一架。She became jealous of my friends and started lashing out at me.她对我的朋友们心生妒忌,并开始对我恶语相向。They may be jealous of your success.他们可能嫉妒你的成功。Fathers are often subconsciously jealous of their sons.做父亲的常常会下意识地忌妒自己的儿子。He was a jealous, bitter man.他这个人善妒而且牢骚满腹。She hates me having any fun and is quite jealous and spoiled.她见不得我开心,嫉妒心强,被惯坏了。He had been given the evil eye by a stranger on the street who was jealous of his beauty.街上嫉妒他英俊的陌生人给他施了邪眼。Some fathers are jealous of the attention a new baby receives, even if they won't admit it.有些做父亲的会因为新生婴儿吸引了别人的注意力而妒忌,尽管他们不肯承认。She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使看一眼别的女人,她也会醋意大发。You've no need to be jealous. I only have eyes for you.你没必要吃醋,我只爱你一个人。He was jealous of the friendship between his wife and daughters.他很嫉妒他妻子和女儿之间的友好感情。It would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel jealous.这样也不嫉妒,真是完人才做得到。A man was found guilty yesterday of stabbing his wife after he became jealous of her cybersex relationship.一名男子因嫉恨妻子的网上性关系而将其刺伤,昨天他被判有罪。Police believe the shootings may have been the work of a jealous boyfriend.警方相信这起枪击事件可能是一个妒忌的男友所为。It's very common for older children to feel jealous after the birth of a baby.孩子出生后,哥哥姐姐产生嫉妒心理是很常见的。You're jealous because the record company rejected your idea.你之所以妒忌是因为唱片公司拒绝接受你的想法。She was jealous of her good reputation.她非常珍惜自己的名誉。Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you.跟别人调情以引起你配偶的嫉妒,这么做很容易弄巧成拙。Maybe Julie was right when she said I was jealous.也许朱莉说我嫉妒是对的。It never entered my mind that Philip might be jealous.我从来没想过菲利普可能会妒忌。She is jealous of her sister.她嫉妒她的姐姐。Antonia will not be jealous, or if she is, she will not show it.安东尼娅不会嫉妒,即便嫉妒,她也不会表现出来。I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend.我试演一个喜欢吃醋的女友角色。Be on guard against those who are jealous of your success.要提防那些嫉妒你的成功的人。Loretta's starting to get possessive and jealous.洛蕾塔开始变得占有欲强且嫉妒心重。The other girls had mixed feelings, some of them were happy for me but some were jealous.其他女孩子的感情很不同,有些人为我高兴,有些人则很嫉妒。She was so jealous that she wouldn't let her husband dance with anyone else.她生性十分妒忌,不让丈夫跟其他任何人跳舞。




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