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词汇 玫瑰花
例句 If he can grow good roses, it is certain that he would be nulli secundus with the full advantage of situation and soil.由于地势和土壤条件优越,他种起玫瑰花来肯定首屈一指。He is pruning his roses.他在修剪他的玫瑰花The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花正盛开著。The roses were entwined in an iron fence.玫瑰花绕在铁栅栏上。If you haven't got roses in your garden, it's not too late to plant now.如果你的花园里没有玫瑰花,现在种下去还不晚。The bride carried a bouquet of white and red roses.新娘捧着一束红白相间的玫瑰花The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.花坛中开满了百合花和玫瑰花The roses were beginning to flag.玫瑰花开始萎垂。The delicate scent of roses hung in the air.空气里飘着淡淡的玫瑰花香。The soft breeze brought the scent of the roses into the room.和风把玫瑰花香吹进了房间。The jacket has a rose motif on the collar.这件夹克衫领子上有一朵玫瑰花的图案。He complimented his wife with a dozen roses.他送妻子一打玫瑰花以表敬意。The station had roses growing at each end of the platform.车站月台的两头种着玫瑰花She had pricked her finger on a rose thorn.她被玫瑰花刺扎破了手指。I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mother's favourite vase was missing.我采了一些玫瑰花,直到那时我才发现我母亲最喜欢的那个花瓶不见了。He hugged her and handed her a bouquet of roses.他拥抱她,接著递给她一束玫瑰花The roses are just coming into flower.玫瑰花刚开始开放。Several of the pink roses are open this morning.今天早上有几朵粉色玫瑰花开放了。The garden was a picture with all the roses in bloom.花园里所有的玫瑰花都开了,看起来真美。She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.她掰开玫瑰花,将花瓣撒在坟墓上。He came up the walk, whistling and smelling the roses.他走向花园的小径,吹着口哨,闻着玫瑰花的香味。What a beautiful sight those roses make!那些玫瑰花构成一幅多美的景象啊!A vase of roses cheered the room.一瓶玫瑰花使房间显得很有生气。Dead-head roses as the blooms fade.玫瑰花开败后就把枯花摘去。The roses are not out yet.玫瑰花还没开。The roses are in bloom.玫瑰花正盛开著。The roses are in bud.玫瑰花含苞欲放。She pinned a rose to her dress.她在连衣裙上别了朵玫瑰花They garlanded him with roses.他们给他戴上玫瑰花环。Come and smell these roses.过来闻闻这些玫瑰花The roses are now in full bloom.玫瑰花现在正在盛开。He offered it to me with all the panache of a ballet dancer presenting a rose.他风度翩翩地把它交给我,就像芭蕾舞演员献玫瑰花似的。He sent her a dozen long-stemmed roses for her birthday.他送她一打长梗玫瑰花作为生日礼物。Roses will always have thorns but with care they can be avoided.玫瑰花上都有刺,不过只要小心就碰不到。She's out in the garden deadheading the rosebushes.她在花园里摘除枯萎的玫瑰花The perfume of the roses filled the room.房间里弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香。Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits.玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。Roses perfumed the air.空气中有玫瑰花香。She did everything from cutting the lawn to pruning the roses.从修剪草坪到修整玫瑰花,她什么活都干。She wore a wreath of roses around her head.她头上戴了个玫瑰花冠。




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