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词汇 环保主义者
例句 Some environmentalists are vehemently anti-nuclear.一些环保主义者也是积极的反对使用核能人士。Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.不断加重的污染引起环保主义者的担忧。Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.环保主义者称这个条约存在根本性的缺陷。Environmentalists claimed governments were fiddling while Rome burned.环保主义者称政府漠不关心。The proposal has raised/roused/provoked the ire of environmentalists. 这项提议激起了环保主义者的愤怒。Environmentalists say Australia is already overpopulated.环保主义者认为澳大利亚已经人口过剩。Environmentalists are campaigning to save the white rhinoceros from extinction.环保主义者正在发起运动,拯救白犀牛免于灭绝。Environmentalists were solidly opposed to drilling in the area.环保主义者坚决反对在这个地区钻井。Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations.环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。Environmentalists are concerned about possible damage to some of the most beautiful stretches of Welsh coastline.环保主义者担心威尔士最漂亮的几段海岸线可能会被破坏。Acres of land were reclaimed by conservationists.环保主义者开拓了几英亩的土地。Conservationists and farmers in environmentally sensitive areas are learning to work together.环境敏感地区的环保主义者和农民在尝试合作。A group of environmentalists were caught sabotaging the logging equipment.一群环保主义者被发现在故意破坏伐木设施。Environmentalists, feminists, and others of that ilk regularly try to drive shows like this off the air.环保主义者、女权主义者以及其他的那一类人经常试图不让这类节目播出。A compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists.最后达成了妥协,但即使这样,也未能令环保主义者满意。Environmentalists concede that it will not be easy to persuade car drivers to use their vehicles less often.环保主义者承认,要说服驾车的人少用汽车并非易事。Environmentalists tried to stop them from cutting down the trees.环保主义者试图阻止他们砍伐树木。Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife.环保主义者会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。The proposal was aimed at ending the stalemate between environmentalist and business groups.提议的目的在于结束环保主义者和商业团体之间的僵持状态。Hunters and environmentalists found common ground in their opposition to the new law.捕猎者和环保主义者在反对那部新法律上的立场一致。The company has had many clashes with environmentalists.这家公司与环保主义者之间有很多分歧。Environmentalists doubt the adequacy of the regulations. 环保主义者怀疑这项法规不够充分。European environmentalists have their counterparts in the US.欧洲有环保主义者,美国也有。The report has delighted environmentalists.这份报告让环保主义者欢欣不已。Environmentalists claim there is no reason to cull seals.环保主义者称没有理由对海豹进行选择性捕杀。The government has tried to forge alliances with environmentalists.政府试图与环保主义者结成联盟。Environmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures.环保主义者认为这些是政府利用国民情绪来减少保护措施的举措。She thinks motorboats get a bum rap from environmentalists.她认为摩托艇遭到了环保主义者不公正的指责。These measures are not considered adequate by conservationists.环保主义者认为这些措施还不够。An oil spill on this part of the coast is the conservationists’ nightmare scenario.这一段海岸若出现漏油事件,那将是环保主义者的噩梦。The new policy has come under attack by environmentalists.这项新政策受到环保主义者的抨击。The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal of environmentalists.环保主义者的一个重要目标就是防止对南极地区的商业开发。




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