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词汇 环保
例句 Cycling is a totally sustainable form of transport.骑自行车是一种很环保的交通方式。The scene shows one of the loggers threatening the environmentalists.这个场景表现一名伐木工人正在威胁这些环保人士。The protesters criticized the administration's inaction on environmental issues.抗议者批评当局在环保问题上不作为。There are two consultants to the governor on environmental protection.州长有两个环保问题顾问。It is economical to run and ecologically sound.跑步不仅省钱而且环保My wife uses only eco-friendly products.我妻子只用环保产品。The environmentalists seem to have lost the debate over the building of this road.环保人士似乎在修建公路的争论中败下阵来。The company is governed by strict environmental regulations.这个公司被严格的环保规定制约着。At a public meeting yesterday, environmentalists were finally permitted to have their say about the future of the ancient forest.在昨天的一个公众会议上,环保人士终于获准就原始森林的未来发表意见。This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.这项提议会激怒环保人士。The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.一群环保人士正在着手实施这一新的研究计划。Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment.南希选择这种产品是因为它更环保I own only two of those new green cleaning products.我只有两种新的环保清洁剂。Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it's environmentally friendly into the bargain.木地板不但容易清扫,并且有利于环保Green campaigners are aiming to block development of the site.环保活动者们志在阻止开发这块土地。We've incorporated many environmentallyfriendly features into the design of the building.我们在这座建筑的设计中加进了许多环保元素。Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue.能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。The bicycle is an environment-friendly form of transport.自行车是一种环保的交通方式。These days, it is fashionable to be green.如今绿色环保很时髦。Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper.举手之劳就可以使办公室更加环保,比如,使用再生纸。This fuel burns more cleanly than other fuels.这种燃料燃烧时比其他燃料更为环保We are looking for an environmentally benign alternative to bleach.我们正在寻找一种有利于环保的替代品用于漂白。Environmentalists rage against the seduction of our society by consumerism.环保人士大力抨击了消费主义对社会的误导。I set up a ginger group on the environment.我创建了一个积极从事环保的团体。We need to develop greener cleaning products.我们需要研发更环保的清洁用品。The proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.这些提案遭到了环保游说组织的强烈反对。Half the people polled said they would pay more for environmentally friendly food.半数接受调查者说他们愿意多花钱买环保食物。Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.环保人士已经发动了一场积极的运动,反对在该地区倾倒核废物。She only buys products from green companies.她只购买环保公司的产品。Using eco-friendly lightbulbs will help you save on electricity bills.使用环保灯泡能帮你节省电费。He really cares about the environment.他真的很注重环保Consumers are demanding more environmentally friendly products.消费者要求更多的环保产品。The manifesto pays scant regard to green issues.这份宣言对环保问题不大关注。Activists want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.环保积极分子希望政府投资对环境影响不大的生态旅游设施。Air pollution brings an awareness of environmental protection.空气污染是大家关心环保问题。The candidate has a strong environmental record. 这名候选人在环保方面颇有建树。He was a promoter of causes including environmental protection.他是包括环保在内的诸多事业的倡导者。The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru.大众媒体往往把他描绘成环保领袖。They are trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies.他们正试图说服政府采取更环保的政策。These detergents are supposedly better for the environment.据说这些清洁剂更加环保




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