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词汇 ironed
例句 Organizational kinks have been ironed out.组织上的纠葛已得以清除。He ironed his pants to make the creases sharp.他把裤子熨得笔挺。The kids bought transfers and ironed them onto their T-shirts.孩子们买来转印图画,然后用熨斗印到他们的短袖圆领运动衫上。I ironed all morning.整个上午我都在熨衣服。When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。It will take weeks to get all the wrinkles ironed out.解决这些难题得要几周时间。His shirts have been freshly washed and ironed.他的衬衫刚洗烫好。He took a perfectly ironed shirt from the wardrobe.他从衣橱里拿出一件熨得妥妥帖帖的衬衫。Greg carried the pile of ironed shirts upstairs.格雷格把一叠熨好的衬衫捧到楼上去。He ironed a crease down the front of each trouser leg.他在每条裤腿的正面熨出一条褶痕来。I ironed the shirt.我把衬衫熨好了。The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast.为防止掉色,织物已经过熨烫。Don't ruffle the tablecloth – I just ironed it.别把桌布弄皱了,我才把它熨好。She ironed the wrinkles out of the dress.她将连衣裙熨平了。My sons would never dream of expecting their clothes to be ironed.我的几个儿子从不指望别人帮他们熨好衣服。The final details of the contract still have to be ironed out.合同最后的一些细节还须协商以达成一致。I thought most of our problems were ironed out.我以为我们的大部分问题都解决了。There are a lot of wrinkles to be ironed out of your ideas yet.你的主意中还有不少问题尚待解决。That gate was ironed within and without.那扇大门里里外外都是铁铸的。She only ironed the collar and cuffs.她只烫了领子和袖口。There are a hundred shirts waiting to be ironed.有一大堆衬衫要烫呢。She hadn't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt.她事先并没有看自己有没有一件熨好的干净衬衫。




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