例句 |
A river separates the two towns. = The two towns are separated by a river. 这两个小镇之间隔着一条河。A river runs through the field.一条河穿过田地。The restaurant has a river frontage.该餐馆正对着一条河。Police are dragging the river near where he was last seen.警方正在他最后一次出现之处附近的一条河里拖网搜寻。From there I passed over some hills and struck a river.从那里开始我翻过几座山,来到一条河边。Rescuers had to wade across a river to reach them.救援人员不得不蹚过一条河,才靠近他们。A river forms the border.一条河流成为两国的边境线。The two streams join and form a river.两条小溪交汇成一条河。A river intersects the plain.一条河贯穿那片平原。A river runs along one side of the field's perimeter.一条河沿这片田地的一侧流过。 |